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Would you report a taxi for speeding?

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On Friday I was in a black cab and the driver was speeding he turned a corner and I flew off the seat banged my head on the door,

He never stopped to see if I was ok.

I was with my mother also my daughter. They helped me back up of the floor and asked the taxi to stop he didn't.

My daughter got the reg number. Would you report him for speeding?

I have not been feeling too well since.

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Did you have your seatbelt on?


I imagine that will be the first question you'll get asked if you report him, but either way his behaviour sounds very unreasonable and careless which in itself may be worth reporting.


If you're not feeling well and think it might be linked then it's probably worth seeing your doctor for a check up.

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are Sheffield taxi drivers supposed to have cameras fitted, or is that just Rovvrem ?


I think they are phasing it in. My neighbour is a taxi driver and was telling us they are making them have video and audio recording.

I didnt realise that they can get fined for the exterior of their car being dirty.

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I had a belt on but had to move so someone could get out

I didn't have chance to put the belt back on.

I don't know much after apart from what my daughter told me.


I have got in taxis that start to drive off the moment you are sat down before you can even pick one end of a seatbelt up.

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