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No Orgreave inquiry

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Hillsborough: 96 innocent people dead.

Orgreave: None dead, 93 union thugs arrested, more policemen injured than union thugs, no convictions to review anyway. Police mistakes already exposed.


There's no comparison.

It would be more useful to investigate the trade unions for organising it in the first place.


There is a comparison actually. It's not the amount of deaths or injuries or convictions that we should be comparing though. What we should be comparing is the extent of the police cover-up, and then the subsequent collusion of the state in perpetuating that cover-up over the course of decades.


It gets a bit worse with Orgreave though and the reason is that the behaviour of the police and the way the police were used by the state wasn't an accident. It was all planned.


I agree there isn't much point in an enquiry but the problem is that the way Rudd has tried to shut this down is naive and inflammatory. It was strengthen calls for an enquiry and it will embolden the protestors.


The simplest and cheapest solution is to release all the relevant documents relating to the case. If everything is as pukka and squeaky clean as Rudd is suggesting then make the papers public. Somehow I think there might be a problem with doing that though........

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yup, they went before the courts and got sent to prison...what about the policemen who attacked people protesting and caused a riot, what about bystanders in the street who got attacked and were not even connected with the strike


So you don't attach any responsibility to the union thugs that started the whole thing off by attacking civilians and police?

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i bet they said that about hilsborough




I bet there are very few posts on this thread that I couldn't find echoed in threads about Hillsborough before undeniable evidence was laid out for all to see.


---------- Post added 01-11-2016 at 19:32 ----------


So you don't attach any responsibility to the union thugs that started the whole thing off by attacking civilians and police?


And there's another one.


Just replace union with Liverpool...

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So you don't attach any responsibility to the union thugs that started the whole thing off by attacking civilians and police?


there are quite a few reports that it was indeed the police that started the trouble, the clips that were shown by the bbc were actually out of sequence, they showed bricks being thrown and then the police charging, from what i understand it was the other way round, an inquiry would have cleared this matter

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