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No Orgreave inquiry

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My wife was wrongly issued a PCN a few years back. The council admitted their mistake upon appeal, but we can't know for certain why the PCN was wrongly issued in the first place. Same thing happened to me a year or so later. That's a pattern that is.

Let's have a public enquiry.


Really? That's a pretty weak response. Shame. I would hope you would be able to offer at least some manner of defence.


I refer you to yourself -

I know right. From a poster historically capable of using reason to make a point, it was rather disappointing. Drunk maybe?
Edited by mikem8634
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i also agree with that, ie throwing concrete from a bridge onto a car is crazy, they were put before the courts and got duly punished for their reckless actions, but on this day in question, violence aside, what the police did was wrong, fabricating evidence and lying under oath can never be deemed acceptable, specially from someone who is supposed to uphold the law


How many drunks or football hooligans or other ner'do wells ended up "falling down the cell steps" back in the 80s (and way before that)? Very very wrong, probably illegal but doesn't (in the main) happen any more. Cameras everywhere, coppers have body cams, as I said it isn't the same.

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There is a really basic point that many of you are still missing - if what you are saying about Orgreave is in any way similar to what was said prior to the HIP report and subsequent Inquests then it has exactly the same chance of being wrong.


The inability to learn from incredibly recent history is startling. Many of you are repeating a mistake you made only a handful of years ago.


That mistake is assuming you know all there is to know.


---------- Post added 01-11-2016 at 22:09 ----------



I prefer to take my cue from Margaret Aspinall on that particular score.


---------- Post added 01-11-2016 at 22:10 ----------





Both of those are very easily satisfied with simplicity.


---------- Post added 01-11-2016 at 22:12 ----------



There is potentially more to it than prosecuting a few policemen. Your focus is too narrow. You have no idea what may be uncovered. You even admit yourself you are not sure what you are going to learn. Were you sure you would learn that SYP changed statements prior to the Hillsborough revelations?


---------- Post added 01-11-2016 at 22:16 ----------



How did we learn them?


Partially by forging ahead with unpopular inquiries in the face of exactly the kind of entrenched opposition exemplified in this thread.


The way I see it is that the elected government of the day crushed a violent anti democratic rebellion without killing anyone. The police did what was necessary to restore law and order.

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It's the right decision. The miners came looking for a confrontation and got one, if there had been no pickets there would have been no "battle". The police were only protecting themselves and local communities.



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Considering that not a single fan was proportioned blame for Hillsborough, maybe the people pushing for an Orgreave enquiry also expect every miner to escape any blame as well.


One of the major differences between this and Hillsborough is that football, and to a lesser extent, football violence, still exists. There were still lessons to be learnt and be applied to football policing and stadium design even after 30 years. In contrast large scale industrial action no longer exists in the UK. The industries, unions and policing methods are long gone. What would be learnt from an enquiry? That SYP was bent and picket lines were violent? We already know that.

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Even if we were to accept what you say as true - and I don't, there's already significant evidence been uncovered of the police conspiring to pervert the course of justice and it seems highly likely that their behaviour was politically led.


I think the officers and politicians responsible should be held to account, you (yet again) seem to think that criminal behaviour should go unpunished when it's politically inconvenient. A typically hypocritical and nauseating stance that you and the Tory scummers seem to share.


Ah so you have been privvy to selected info then?? why do you think they should be held to account for something that happened over 30 years ago under a different gov?? what criminal behaviour ?? oh the picketing miners?? flying pickets? etc throwing bricks and darts at Police?? the police carried out a very efficient containment operation with no serious injuries and no deaths? whats not to like:o

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Ah so you have been privvy to selected info then?? why do you think they should be held to account for something that happened over 30 years ago under a different gov?? what criminal behaviour ?? oh the picketing miners?? flying pickets? etc throwing bricks and darts at Police?? the police carried out a very efficient containment operation with no serious injuries and no deaths? whats not to like:o


Have a look at the link I supplied in post 197. You'll see the Confrontation was anticipated (planned) by the Conservative party, or at least by Nicholas Ridley, back in 1977.

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