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No Orgreave inquiry

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who the Strikers?? the police acted perfectly legally and with the consent of government? thats why there is no case to answer and no Inquiry.


I'm not in favour of an Inquiry, but who says that "the police acted perfectly legally"?


Just because they had the "consent of government" does that make it right?


The armed forces had "consent of government" when we created the shambles which is the Middle East & North Africa, in these days.


Just because someone tells you it's right, doesn't mean it is!

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I wonder if the NUM would be so enthusiastic if they would be held accountable for some of the actions too.


It's too late to prosecute individuals, but the crown could still dish out fines to the institutions involved ie the police force and the miners union.

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Orgreave happened when we had proper law and order,when I was a kid if you misbehave you got slapped by the Bobby,this dosn,t happen now and society is not good.


Proper law and order? Evidently you mean for everyone apart from the police who should be able to assault anyone they like.


Why should the police be above the law?


I wonder if the NUM would be so enthusiastic if they would be held accountable for some of the actions too.


It's too late to prosecute individuals, but the crown could still dish out fines to the institutions involved ie the police force and the miners union.


Firstly, you cannot possibly know that it is too late for prosecutions. You are making an assumption.


Secondly, the evidence must be followed wherever it may lead.

Edited by mikem8634
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Orgreave happened when we had proper law and order,when I was a kid if you misbehave you got slapped by the Bobby,this dosn,t happen now and society is not good.


TBH I get your point, but there was a great deal bad in those days. Pak bashing, gays being treated as subhuman, outright racialism, domestic violence was dismissed often. Even child abuse wasn't taken that seriously.

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TBH I get your point, but there was a great deal bad in those days. Pak bashing, gays being treated as subhuman, outright racialism, domestic violence was dismissed often. Even child abuse wasn't taken that seriously.


Well said.


Although, I will assume you were after brevity but, in my opinion, Pakistani would have been a better way to put it.

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Well said, but Pakistani would have been a better way to put it.


There was a phrase, which I didn't use deliberately, because some people consider it to be a perjorative term and can cause "offence". The word I used, has never been, as far as I am aware, an "offensive" term. In fact there's a shop in Sheffield somewhere called "Pak foods" or something like that.

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