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No Orgreave inquiry

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They are very similar - same police force, roughly the same time, same government in charge. Only nobody died - that is crucial. Hillsborough enquiry cost £70m according to a quick google. Wouldn't you rather have that money protecting your community now?


But let's say there's a U turn. What else needs digging up? 32 years is clearly not too late so how far back do you want to go?


---------- Post added 31-10-2016 at 17:50 ----------


How far back? That's impossible to answer without a detailed scenario. There is no absolute line, it is entirely situational.


Death is not the only indicator of merit regarding historical investigation.


Once again, money was used as a reason to avoid an inquiry into Hillsborough.

Edited by mikem8634
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How far back? That's impossible to answer without a detailed scenario. There is no absolute line, it is entirely situational.


Death is not the only indicator of merit regarding historical investigation.


Once again, money was used as a reason to avoid an inquiry into Hillsborough.


So African states should be fully compensated for slavery then?


THAT far back.

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you really dont get it do you,? its nothing to do with the miners, forget the mines, forget the riots, forget the politics of the day....its about the fabric of our society, what you are saying its okay for police to lie and tell untruths when it suits, that can never be right, you cant have a police force that decides on each individual case whether they will be honest or not, because one day it may come to your door, i thought you were better than that


It's got everything to do with the fact that the miners lost and they still dont like it and it smarts.


Ya boo sucks to them. The rest of the world has moved on - if they can't so what.


---------- Post added 31-10-2016 at 18:48 ----------


So African states should be fully compensated for slavery then?


THAT far back.


Oh hang on. Didnt the dutch invade us?


And the Normans. Should we pay rent for the last 950 years to the Celts.....

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Maybe if the miners didn't insist in calling it the 'battle of orgreave' there may have been a little more sympathy.

A battle suggests two opposing forces.

The police had a duty to be present. The miners and their flying pickets intent on causing trouble not just at orgreave but in surrounding areas did not.

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It's got everything to do with the fact that the miners lost and they still dont like it and it smarts.


Ya boo sucks to them. The rest of the world has moved on - if they can't so what.


---------- Post added 31-10-2016 at 18:48 ----------



Oh hang on. Didnt the dutch invade us?


And the Normans. Should we pay rent for the last 950 years to the Celts.....

No Obelix, its about what sort of society we want to live in, i want one where the police dont fiddle the evidence and lie under oath, which one do you want to live in?

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No Obelix, its about what sort of society we want to live in, i want one where the police dont fiddle the evidence and lie under oath, which one do you want to live in?


Policing has been heavily reformed since then and South Yorkshire police have rightly been put through the ringer for historical, well, crimes they committed.

The principles you wish to establish about police accountability and standards have been established. We've held public enquiries into major incidents such as Bloody Sunday and Hillsborough because there was significant loss of life.

What is there to learn here?

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Maybe if the miners didn't insist in calling it the 'battle of orgreave' there may have been a little more sympathy.

A battle suggests two opposing forces.

The police had a duty to be present. The miners and their flying pickets intent on causing trouble not just at orgreave but in surrounding areas did not.

i dont believe that to be the case, yes they were intent on stopping production at Orgreave, but i dont think their intention was to cause violence, from reports i have read, violence only ensued after the police charged at the miners on horseback, you could argue that the police intentionaly started a riot, but conveniently for south yorksire police we will now never know the truth

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As i said in a previous post, i have never condoned any violence, but the miners were fighting to save their jobs,

A lot of the violence that we saw at Orgreave was from a distorted view point, we saw the miners throwing bricks and then get charged by the police, as we now know it didnt happen in that order


They wanted a ruck with the police, and they got one .

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What is there to learn here?


i suppose if i was one of the people there who suffered a fractured skull from the blow of a truncheon, and then charged with violent conduct, then i would indeed want to know all the facts in full, who gave the orders telling officers to change the accounts of what happened, and how many officers were involved

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