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No Orgreave inquiry

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i suppose if i was one of the people there who suffered a fractured skull from the blow of a truncheon, and then charged with violent conduct, then i would indeed want to know all the facts in full, who gave the orders telling officers to change the accounts of what happened, and how many officers were involved


Yes, but a full public enquiry? These are for extreme cases with significant loss of life. Not for every potential act of injustice.

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i believe that it was on such a large scale that an inquiry was well justified


I can't agree. I'm all for keeping a close eye on the police and the state, but this doesn't meet the standard for such an enquiry in my view.


I might be more sympathetic if the miners had been staging a peaceful demo and the police started the violence, but that looks very unlikely.

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some of the so called striking miners were nothing to do with the strike. they were paid miltants ,there to stoke up trouble and nothing more . and before anyone questions this I knew some of them personally

i dont know anything about that, but it is suggested soldiers were wearing police uniforms


What were they there for? They were miners. It wasn't a coal mine.


they were there to blockade entry to Orgreave, they were not there primarily to cause violence, this was started by the police

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What were they there for? They were miners. It wasn't a coal mine.


Mass picketing to impact the steel industry who needed the coke.


As I mentioned before, Scargill was mislead into thinking Orgreave was more significant than it was.


The steel workers had refused to back the miners. The triple alliance didn't hold.

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Perhaps it tells us more about SYP.


Perhaps it goes beyond SYP.


Perhaps it tells us more about the miners or the unions.


Perhaps it uncovers crime that can be prosecuted.


Perhaps it saves a highly marginalised group from having to defend themselves for the rest of their lives.


Perhaps it rewrites history.


Perhaps it doesn't.


Orgreave and Hillsborough are not the same. Accountability for one does not equal accountability for the other.


None of this can be known until an open inquiry takes place.


A bunch of miners had a dust up with the old bill, it's not going to change the world :roll::roll::roll:


It's a waste of money and a waste of time.


No-one died, no-one was prosecuted, compensation has already been handed out.

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