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New Puppy needs forum wisdom


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So after years of prevaricating, we have a pup coming home with us this time next week.


I'm sat here with my finger on the buy button at Amazon, and a shopping cart full of puppy/doggy stuff.


But before I press that button, I wanted to ask the forum what you think every new puppy owner should have in place, in terms of kit, before puppy arrives.


I'm especially interested in what you think the indispensable, essential, must have, items are, and whether it's best to buy them online or whether there are better alternatives locally.




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Depending on the age of the puppy, I would say you should get a puppy pen or a baby gate. If you are thinking about crate training, I would start early. Other than that there isn't much a puppy really needs apart from a food bowl, water bowl, safe bedding, a collar and a lead. Most other items are down to preference.

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Good luck :)


Sure others will chip in on puppy gear but my top tip would be research the food side too, don't just buy the mass produced stuff. We only feed cold pressed food and use Zooplus rather than Amazon for food as well as stuff like toys, leads, bowls- at least they pay their taxes


---------- Post added 31-10-2016 at 21:09 ----------


Building on biotechpete a recall lead will be useful too


---------- Post added 31-10-2016 at 21:11 ----------


We use Bradway Pet Shop, very helpful if you are passing or live close

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As Skink said I don't tend to use Amazon for pet stuff and I don't find it that great value either.


As boring as it sounds I would concentrate on practicalities especially for the first few weeks. Things like pet safe floor cleaners. I think we bought a new mop within the first week.


Things to keep your puppy clean and healthy are important. So depending on the breed, things like combs/slickers, ear cleaner, puppy shampoo.


We use pet planet and hyper drug a fair bit.

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Great suggestions above. I would definitely crate train and I'd be looking for an obedience class with a positive reinforcement trainer too as they will get booked up in advance.


I'd get plenty of safe chew toys, not too hard and not stuff that resembles things you don't want them to chew so you can quickly replace forbidden items with chew toys.


Don't buy puppy pads, just take your pup outside very regularly and watch for cues like sniffing etc. Start reading up on good practice for training and start as you mean to go on.

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Solid gold advice so far - thanks.


This is why I haven't clicked "buy" yet! And point taken about amazon and taxes. If I'm honest, I'd rather pay cash to local traders if possible.


Puppy will be 9 weeks old when he arrives home.


Going to start crate training on day 1.


Terrified, but excited!

:D thanks again - keep your thoughts coming!

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I would recommend getting a book about training as well as classes, there are tons around (and I have about 6 or 7). Initially we found Victoria Stilwells it's me or the dog and puppy taming by Caroline Davis quite useful. They were good with basic stuff like bite inhibition and toilet training.

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Have you considered clicker/whistle training? You can buy a little kit which can be very cheap and it really works! we started training g ours from 9weeks using a clicker. His recall and general obedience now, aged 4 is brilliant!


My husband uses the same method now with his pack pups!

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Pet owners often waste money on pet accoutrements. Food is a different matter so go with what Skink says and do your research - buy the best food you can afford. Feed the pet and avoid the vet. See here for more information.


Make sure your garden is 100% secure, especially if you have a digging breed. Don't let him out of your sight when he is outside.


Purchase a safe, secure and comfortable harness. I have used Perfect Fit for some years and they are super. They have to be purchased online from Dog Games.


Get him used to having his mouth handled - buy a tube of doggy toothpaste, put a blob on your finger and rub it round his teeth and gums.


Buy a good brush and steel comb suitable for his coat type and get him used to being groomed. Just a few minutes at first then have a little play as a reward. You can never start too soon.

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