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Plane over ladybower

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I was wondering if anyone could shine some light on this. I was at ladybower reservoir trying to photograph the milky way last night when about 8:30 a big old looking propeller plane flew from the direction of snakes pass and over the reservoir very low. I had my camera on a 20 second exposure so all I got was light trails. I've asked on a group on facebook if anyone was up there and saw it with no one yet seeing anything I've been told it can't be a Lancaster bomber as it's getting serviced at the minute so if anyone knows what kind of plane it was or also saw it I would really appreciate letting me know because I think people think I'm nuts

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You say it was big, someone mentioned the Lancaster, so the only thing of that size would have to be a Hercules, most likely of the R.A.F.

There are no large propellor driven aircraft around at the moment, especially in private hands (not military).


Apart from … 'The Loose Moose' (AB211) … seen here parking on Millhouses boating pond.

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I saw an Hercules flying up the Longdendale Valley earlier in the year,it was pretty impressive and was a much bigger plane than i expected it to be.They are photographed quite often flying low through valleys.


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