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hey cave girl, dont mean to be rude but over a a few threads u seem to be insulting a instuctor who has trained me over the last few years and is very competent at his training. If you then question how how good his teaching abilities are please contact me and i shall tell my achievements whereby farad has helped.

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I've been reading some god comments about cross training ,which on a whole seems to be a good thing, but in todays society people want something and they want it now , i have the greatest respect for students that study a certain style and try to master it which (im sure some traditionalists will agree ) can take years to acomplish, and then there's students that study for a year and then move on to something else,and its these students that miss out on what the style has to offer.

An example is that a friend of mine trains Lau Gar kung fu with the Sheffield Academy, now she has been training for 6 years and got a brown belt or i think it may be a black belt now ? any way its only now that the instructors have started to show her how to fight sticking hands( chi sau) and Chi Na(chinese grappling, locks and pressure point fighting), when i asked her why it took so long before she learnt it her reply was that this is the real kung fu, and the first six years of training she was building the foundations, both mentaly and physicaly.

She understands how dangerous this type of fighting is and explains that it feels that she has just completed her apprentiship, in to kung fu and now she is starting to learn !

But what about all the students that started then left and are still wondering aimlessly from style to style looking for that little bit more.

any way enjoy your training !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I do appreciate what you are saying , but you mention a friend in quite a few of your posts.

Arent you one of the instructors from Lau Gar yourself? Come on I wasnt born yesterday. I can tell by your previous posts and the way you endorse Lau Gar in almost every post you make.


As for Chi Sau , cant you do Chi Sau without waiting 6 years like in Wing Chun?

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Perhaps im exagerating the i think they proberbly do learn chi sau a little sooner than 6 years, but as for the pressure point thing and chinese grappling then you would have to wait to black belt, p.s lau gar is the only kung fu style in sheffield that ive heard of, appart from davemantis and the moifa school, ( i used to train in lau gar many years ago but like the students i mentioned before i couldnt wait so left after reaching my purple belt, something i regret to this day , i still see the instructor quite a bit thats why i keep endorsing it). so here goes http://www.prokungfu.com

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I get it hes a mate of yours assuming your being truthful. What about Hoan Lung Shaolin Long Fist with Pete Allsop?

Wing Chun with that guy in the chinese community centre?

Chi Gung with James lee Angel ?


They are all Kung Fu styles.


Admittedly Kung Fu has never appealed to me despite the colorful movies.

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I can’t understand why it takes them so long to do things like Chi Sau (sticking Hands) Chin Na (Locking) San Da (Chinese Kickboxing) it should be shown from day one????????


The way we do it is the San Da is a separate class as not everyone wants to do it but Sticking hands and chin na is part of all the classes just like basics and Stances are, If you don’t do it how can you do Kung Fu its all part and parcel????


Pressure points I don’t think it should be shown till you know you can trust the student; they will pick up little bits as they go along, but nothing to serous that will harm others.


Ps don’t get me wrong I have the utmost respect for Lau Gar I just cant understand why they are holding thing back unless they don’t have it to give????

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So you're saying that training a style where you have to wait 6 years before you learn anything is better than learning things for 6 years? A kickboxer of 6 years experience would absolutely demolish someone like that, and still will in another 5 years - some very good competitive fighters have only been training for around that long e.g. some of the guys at the wicker thai camp.


I've been training for about 6 years now myself, and I don't have time to do it justice and get myself to that level as I do a lot of other things - but I would have said I've learnt far more than a 'mental and physical foundation!'

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I'm always puzzled about the pressure points stuff.


If it were so effective and dangerous (and i'm not saying that they don't have any effect), then why don't we see pressure point use in MMA? If it were that good, surely one fighter at least would take the time to learn it, even if it did take 6 years, and then they'd use those skills to win lots of competitions.

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Presure points were used in UFC 2, Remco Pardoel VS Orlando Weit. Remco started poking Orlando's arm..........then realised the guys head was next to his own elbow so rained down elbows for a KO!


In 65 main events I've never seen them used again!!

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