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Cyclone we don’t need to assume that they can't punch, Most people cant lol that’s why they are so many people doing ground work these days lol



Do people not find it a little strange that fully grown men want to roll around on the floor with tight shorts on?????? Lol what happened to the gi????? lol



assuming that though if you have to defend yourself is the wrong attitude.

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Cyclone it was a joke about the punch.



So if you are training for the real then still can’t get why people would want to put on shorts if it was to be more real they would have every day clothes on.

But I certainly can understand why people do not want to train in a Gi in the hot summer.





Is that a dig????

I have stepped into the ring but it’s not something I would want to do anymore. Im getting to old and it hurts when you get to my age lol

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I'm just saying that in the grand scheme of things, rolling (sparring) isn't that odd compared to the lengths people will go to to avoid getting punched in the face! OK it might look odd but the sparring part is what makes it beneficial.


The clothing bit is irrelevant. If I rely on using the gi to control my opponent, and I fight someone who isn't wearing a gi, i'm in trouble hence shorts and t-shirt training.

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