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Listen up, all drivers in the UK

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This morning my door was knocked by a young female holding an iPad.

When I enquired what her visit was regarding she replied "good morning sir I'm here from a parking enforcement Company" the name of which I will not disclose for legal reasons. When I enquired whether she be from a private sector organisation, she did indeed confirm she was, what I mean by this is she was not from the police or local council or indeed a court of law. When I asked where her organisation had gained my Driver details from she replied " The DVLA".

Yes this does make sense I hear you say !


However having gained extensive knowledge of the data protection act 1998,

I was drawn to the fact that this is a clear breach of the data protection act,

By the DVLA.

When we apply for our driving license and register our vehicles with the DVLA where does it mention that I give permission for this organisation to sell my driver details for profit! to private sector organisations. I have no issues with the DVLA supplying My driver details to the police and all local council authority's.

These parking enforcement officials have no jurisdiction Or Authority to come door-knocking.

You are well within your rights to politely ask them to leave your property and do not return, do not answer any of their questions even if they ask to just confirm your name.

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This morning my door was knocked by a young female holding an iPad.

When I enquired what her visit was regarding she replied "good morning sir I'm here from a parking enforcement Company" the name of which I will not disclose for legal reasons. When I enquired whether she be from a private sector organisation, she did indeed confirm she was, what I mean by this is she was not from the police or local council or indeed a court of law. When I asked where her organisation had gained my Driver details from she replied " The DVLA".

Yes this does make sense I hear you say !


However having gained extensive knowledge of the data protection act 1998,

I was drawn to the fact that this is a clear breach of the data protection act,

By the DVLA.

When we apply for our driving license and register our vehicles with the DVLA where does it mention that I give permission for this organisation to sell my driver details for profit! to private sector organisations. I have no issues with the DVLA supplying My driver details to the police and all local council authority's.

These parking enforcement officials have no jurisdiction Or Authority to come door-knocking.

You are well within your rights to politely ask them to leave your property and do not return, do not answer any of their questions even if they ask to just confirm your name.


what was she there for

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I always find the best way to deter callers is, when the ask to confirm your name and post code for security reasons, is to ask for theirs. If they give their name and work details, I do the same , which screws their security question. The Data Protection Act prevent them talking to a third party.

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Door to door parking ticket collection??


Never heard of that one before, very much doubt they'd send round one little woman either.

People are more than happy to smash a traffic warden on a public street, they'd certainly do the same on their own doorstep.

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I think the law changed when clamping was banned,i know that private companies can now legally fine you for parking on private land as long as the correct signage is visible.Not sure about knocking on your front door to get the fine though,never heard of that one before.We looked at employing a company to enforce people illegally parking on our property at work but decided to put gates on the car park instead.We didnt want our customers to get a ticket.Not good for sales relationships.:hihi:

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