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Listen up, all drivers in the UK

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This was someone at the door, not on the phone.


The DPA prevents who (in this case) from talking to a 3rd party? It certainly doesn't preclude all sharing of information.


It does preclude the sharing of sensitive personal information without a person's consent in most circumstances. Sensitive personal information includes your address and date of birth.

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This morning my door was knocked by a young female holding an iPad.

When I enquired what her visit was regarding she replied "good morning sir I'm here from a parking enforcement Company" the name of which I will not disclose for legal reasons. When I enquired whether she be from a private sector organisation, she did indeed confirm she was, what I mean by this is she was not from the police or local council or indeed a court of law. When I asked where her organisation had gained my Driver details from she replied " The DVLA".

Yes this does make sense I hear you say !


However having gained extensive knowledge of the data protection act 1998,

I was drawn to the fact that this is a clear breach of the data protection act,

By the DVLA.

When we apply for our driving license and register our vehicles with the DVLA where does it mention that I give permission for this organisation to sell my driver details for profit! to private sector organisations. I have no issues with the DVLA supplying My driver details to the police and all local council authority's.

These parking enforcement officials have no jurisdiction Or Authority to come door-knocking.

You are well within your rights to politely ask them to leave your property and do not return, do not answer any of their questions even if they ask to just confirm your name.


A pretty hare-brained idea if you ask me. Unless you're one of the sheeple, I can't really imagine the parking enforcement scumbag's going to learn very much in all honesty … apart from some very choice swear words in my case.

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Understood from previous posts on SF that private companies cannot 'fine you' but send an invoice requesting payment.



Wide-ranging benefits of data release

All data sharing undertaken by the DVLA is carried out in accordance with the principles

of the DPA. The most recent audit by the ICO judged the DVLA’s procedures to offer high

assurance that processes to mitigate the risks of non-compliance with the DPA are in place.

By enabling the police and other law enforcement agencies to access DVLA data quickly

and easily we help keep the roads safer through the identification of unlicensed drivers

and vehicles without valid road tax, insurance or MOT certification.

Motorists have a responsibility to tax, insure and MOT their vehicles, abide by road traffic

regulations and park according to the conditions set by the parking provider. Properly

managed data release and our support for law enforcement helps control the costs of

motoring, reduces vehicle related crimes and benefits the motorists and the environment.

Information can be released to;

Local authorities for on-road parking enforcement, and dealing with abandoned

and nuisance vehicles.

Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) to improve the roadworthiness

standards of vehicles through MOT certification and ensure the compliance of

vehicle operators and drivers.

Motor manufacturers to issue vehicle safety recall notices and remove potentially

dangerous vehicles from use.

Transport for London for the enforcement of congestion charging, which aims to

reduce vehicle numbers and emissions in the city centre.

Insurance companies to pursue claims following accidents, to investigate fraud

and to trace uninsured motorists.

Landowners or their agents who offer car parking facilities under specific

terms and conditions to contact drivers who may have parked their vehicle in

contravention of the parking conditions.


The practical applications

We receive requests for information from private organisations as diverse as car parking

management companies, solicitors, finance houses and property managers. All manual

applications are looked at individually to ensure that they meet reasonable cause.

Organisations and companies that request data via a secure electronic link must first

serve a 6 month probationary period making manual requests only. Strict contractual

terms detail when information may be requested and how it can be used. When we do

release data it is always for a specified purpose.

Edited by therascal
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