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Could Britex cause an early General Election?

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We don't know how individual constituencies voted, only councils.


And besides, should a brexit MP vote brexit if their constituency (hyperthetically speaking) voted remain? Given the number of London MPs and those in Scotland they may well be able to legitably claim they are representing their constituents. If, of course, they choose to.


we do know how many Labour MP's did not supported brexit, in areas where brixit was overwhelmingly carried.

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I think people voted for the Tories as it was the only party to offer an referendum on EU membership and was duly elected in. Labour didn't offer this Miliband rejected the idea. Labour during Gordon Browns time did think about an referendum the idea was put forward but was given the back door treatment perhaps Brown realized even then most people would vote out and the ensuing political turmoil was too much of an risk.


Cameron's real aim was to smash UKIP and hopefully get its former supporters back to on his side and he would be able to say I gave the people the vote on EU membership and business as usual. Cameron took an risk but he thought that people would vote remain. He failed to understand or too arrogant to hear peoples concerns about immigration plus other issues on a more domestic level. The grand plan failed he jumped ship as he realized he could not deliver an post EU plan nor face the critics .


May has the job of cleaning up this mess but its not going to plan theirs tension with the SNP that could see the Union of both countries come to an end perhaps an general election is required so all parties can reset their policies on Brexit or another referendum policy.

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we do know how many Labour MP's did not supported brexit, in areas where brixit was overwhelmingly carried.


I think out in the sticks that's pretty cut and dried. But the bigger cities will be more marginal and obviously Scotland has a lot more seats to play with. Combine them with certain constituencies (nick cleggs for instance) and it might get interesting.

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I think people voted for the Tories as it was the only party to offer an referendum on EU membership and was duly elected in. Labour didn't offer this Miliband rejected the idea. Labour during Gordon Browns time did think about an referendum the idea was put forward but was given the back door treatment perhaps Brown realized even then most people would vote out and the ensuing political turmoil was too much of an risk.


Cameron's real aim was to smash UKIP and hopefully get its former supporters back to on his side and he would be able to say I gave the people the vote on EU membership and business as usual. Cameron took an risk but he thought that people would vote remain. He failed to understand or too arrogant to hear peoples concerns about immigration plus other issues on a more domestic level. The grand plan failed he jumped ship as he realized he could not deliver an post EU plan nor face the critics .


May has the job of cleaning up this mess but its not going to plan theirs tension with the SNP that could see the Union of both countries come to an end perhaps an general election is required so all parties can reset their policies on Brexit or another referendum policy.


It is disheartening the tail always trying to wag the dog.

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ill take 100/1 one it is:hihi:


I'm not sure who the line up is either. Whether the people are brexiters/remainers, they'll all being be being briefed on what to say - which will essentially be very little. I'm hoping the guest speakers will get more talking time.


Last week and BOTH the Labour and the Tory wasted half the programme talking nonsense avoiding questions type crap. Labour are obviously briefed every time, to just say 'this is digusting' and when asked what they will do, it's always 'a review of it'. Crap answers. That Ken Loach was garbage too. I liked the comment from the audience about whether he cycled to New York to receive his award, after harping on about Heathrow :hihi:


We don't know how individual constituencies voted, only councils.


And besides, should a brexit MP vote brexit if their constituency (hyperthetically speaking) voted remain? Given the number of London MPs and those in Scotland they may well be able to legitably claim they are representing their constituents. If, of course, they choose to.


It's opened a huge can of worms really this. I cannot see any chance at all that MPs will be able to vote against it. It would be political suicide for the party. (certainly Labour). Torys obviously will all vote in favour, they must be rubbing their hands together if a GE was on the cards.

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Until today I thought the government was a group of elected people with the authority to govern the country. Whilst Parliament also consisted of the unelected House of Lords.


No - absolutely not. We don't teach enough about our constitution in schools [which might be why we spend the rest of our lives arguing about it] but only MPs in the House of Commons are elected. The Government is appointed by the Queen. It is true that, by convention, the Queen (usually) appoints the leader of the biggest party as Prime Minister but we don't have a system of voting for a President.


Parliament passes all the laws. The Government has a big hand in what goes through because of the way senior politicians control MPs but ultimately the Government also has to abide by the law. Whenever you hear of judicial reviews in the court, it is about Government ministers (or other state officials) being held to account for breaking the law.


As in this case.

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lets see how many exiters spit the dummy out when its watered down, IT WILL BE, ole Niges already started spitting his dummy a lil bit


Yeah alright Mel, let's see if your opinion on here is any more relevant than your armchair opinions of Sheffield football :D

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I'm not sure who the line up is either. Whether the people are brexiters/remainers, they'll all being be being briefed on what to say - which will essentially be very little. I'm hoping the guest speakers will get more talking time.


Last week and BOTH the Labour and the Tory wasted half the programme talking nonsense avoiding questions type crap. Labour are obviously briefed every time, to just say 'this is digusting' and when asked what they will do, it's always 'a review of it'. Crap answers. That Ken Loach was garbage too. I liked the comment from the audience about whether he cycled to New York to receive his award, after harping on about Heathrow :hihi:




It's opened a huge can of worms really this. I cannot see any chance at all that MPs will be able to vote against it. It would be political suicide for the party. (certainly Labour). Torys obviously will all vote in favour, they must be rubbing their hands together if a GE was on the cards.


Absolutely. If I was an MP do I tow the party line, do I listen to my constituents, if I do will they vote for me in the GE. It's fine if you live in Mansfield, vote out and your job is safe either way. Others have far trickier tightropes to walk.

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I'm not sure who the line up is either. Whether the people are brexiters/remainers, they'll all being be being briefed on what to say - which will essentially be very little. I'm hoping the guest speakers will get more talking time.


Last week and BOTH the Labour and the Tory wasted half the programme talking nonsense avoiding questions type crap. Labour are obviously briefed every time, to just say 'this is digusting' and when asked what they will do, it's always 'a review of it'. Crap answers. That Ken Loach was garbage too. I liked the comment from the audience about whether he cycled to New York to receive his award, after harping on about Heathrow :hihi:




It's opened a huge can of worms really this. I cannot see any chance at all that MPs will be able to vote against it. It would be political suicide for the party. (certainly Labour). Torys obviously will all vote in favour, they must be rubbing their hands together if a GE was on the cards.


Conservative communities secretary Sajid Javid MP, Labour's Lisa Nandy MP, editor-in-chief of the Economist Zanny Minton Beddoes, the ken loach take down from the audience was great

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Absolutely. If I was an MP do I tow the party line, do I listen to my constituents, if I do will they vote for me in the GE. It's fine if you live in Mansfield, vote out and your job is safe either way. Others have far trickier tightropes to walk.


It's all very interesting :)


I'll lay one last question/bet:


Will it be Labour or Tory participant to first use the line 'first of all, I'd like to say... we respect the UK public vote...'



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