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Could Britex cause an early General Election?

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So you think that all the leave voters believed the main slogan of the leave campaign was a blatant lie.


No my position is that the NHS was never promised the £350 million and even it was was the people making the promise were not in a position to give it to them. Hence no sensible people thought it was a promise and only remoaners think it was.

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So you think that all the leave voters believed the main slogan of the leave campaign was a blatant lie.


You mean the one that said: "We send the EU £50m a day"."Lets fund our NHS instead."


How about addressing some of the claims lies by Remain..


Chancellor George Osborne's assertion that Treasury analysis showed "families would be £4,300 (a year) worse off" in the event of a Leave vote.


The claim that three million jobs were dependent on Britain staying in the EU.

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You mean the one that said: "We send the EU £50m a day"."Lets fund our NHS instead."


How about addressing some of the claims lies by Remain..


Chancellor George Osborne's assertion that Treasury analysis showed "families would be £4,300 (a year) worse off" in the event of a Leave vote.


The claim that three million jobs were dependent on Britain staying in the EU.


You'll now get the standard 'we haven't left yet' :hihi:


Yes, it's amazing how many remainers can't read the bus slogan, it was big enough. As I said before the vote, if I thought £350m a week was going to the NHS I would definitely have voted remain.


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 21:30 ----------


I don't generally like QT turning into a Pub argument, or online Twitface-type argument, but I did laugh!



If anyone saw this last night, did anyone hear that dreadful remain woman who works in Great Ormond St? I had to rewind it to check I heard it right.


Dreadful woman. Not unlike the ones in here wishing that Sunderland lose the contract.


Intelligent remain crowd, my arse.

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I voted leave here's my reasons for doing so:


Did immigration play an part in my voting - no.


The promised magical 350 million pounds for the NHS - sorry didn't buy that one.


The remainers the didn't answer the main questions I felt needed to be asked like following:


If we vote to remain in the EU would the EU make us take the Euro in time would their be an referendum on this ?


Are their more fail safes on the Euro in the event of another 2008 crash in place?


Turkish membership question was brushed aside by Cameron when he should have made it more clear on the issues surrounding Turkey's membership application?


Was their an chance for major reform on the EU to address peoples concerns?


The final nail for me was when Osborne tried to blackmail people into voting remain with threats of an cuts budget in the event of an out vote. Remain campaign was too lax as they thought they would win hands down.


Has been pointed out Cameron brought in the Fixed Term legislation I believe that was too ensure he remained Prime Minister no matter what as he feared he would lose an ' snap election' as the coalition was full of tension with the Liberals.

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I would bet that 52% of the population would vote for the abolition of Parliament.


That's not what they were asked on 23 June though is it? Why don't you ask for a referendum on abolishing Parliament? You won't get one because they wouldn't let you have one, which highlights one of the key idiocies of Brexit; you won't get your country back because it was never yours in the first place. The aristocracy still owns one third of Britain and the richest 10% own 45% of the wealth. It's their country, not yours or mine. The people with the wealth and power are no way going to let go of it and give the plebs too much power. All you've done is take a bit of power from one small group of people who don't care about me or you and give it to another small group who are the same.

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I think that they would do very well, but not well enough.


---------- Post added 03-11-2016 at 18:19 ----------



EU rules over membership are such that it discourages countries from leaving, that makes sense.


It's blackmail and that's what the European Union is based on. Blackmail. I'm staunchly vote leave but I'd liked to have seen what new terms could've been agreed and they'd have been a very slight chance I could've changed my mind but I doubt it, however a lot of people may have changed their mind if they could've seen what's on the table.


---------- Post added 05-11-2016 at 02:04 ----------


You are correct of course, but UKIP have never made a significant advance at any GE. That said, prior to the last GE only a very small majority of people would have put the EU as their most important issue, or even, for most people, in the top three. Now it`s all different, and, in my mind, shows how this whole thing is almost a manufactured obsession. Cameron should never have pandered to it, in fact he has caused it, for his own Tory party reasons.....


Cameron should never have pandered to what?


---------- Post added 05-11-2016 at 02:06 ----------


there's not going to be a brexit.


And if they isn't they'll be civil disorder


---------- Post added 05-11-2016 at 02:07 ----------


lets see how many exiters spit the dummy out when its watered down, IT WILL BE, ole Niges already started spitting his dummy a lil bit


And quite rightly so.

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It's blackmail and that's what the European Union is based on. Blackmail. I'm staunchly vote leave but I'd liked to have seen what new terms could've been agreed and they'd have been a very slight chance I could've changed my mind but I doubt it, however a lot of people may have changed their mind if they could've seen what's on the table.


So you are one of these millions that believe in soft Brexit, that may never happen.

Many want to reduce immigration, but what about all these jobs that no UK citizen can fill?

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No my position is that the NHS was never promised the £350 million and even it was was the people making the promise were not in a position to give it to them. Hence no sensible people thought it was a promise and only remoaners think it was.


You are kidding right? You've not meant any? You either have a minute circle of people around you, or people don't like sharing things with you. I've met at least 5 people who mainly voted to get a significant increase in funding for the NHS.


Very interesting that the NHS being told they get NO more money is being swept under the carpet by people using your exact argument. I'd say - get out and chat to people some more.

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You are kidding right? You've not meant any? You either have a minute circle of people around you, or people don't like sharing things with you. I've met at least 5 people who mainly voted to get a significant increase in funding for the NHS.


Very interesting that the NHS being told they get NO more money is being swept under the carpet by people using your exact argument. I'd say - get out and chat to people some more.


So you also don't know anyone that voted on the basis that the NHS would get £350 million a week, and if the remoaners get their way we will carry on funding the EU after we leave so the money won't be available to fund anything.

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