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Could Britex cause an early General Election?

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You might dismiss that as ' rubbish' but I knew quite a few voters who said the only reason they voted for the Tories was for an referendum. Yes I agree it has split the country Scotland wants to stay in but England wants to leave I do think the Union will be broken in time. Cameron was a victim of tactical voting and his own naive belief that the electorate would vote to stay in because he had won the general election.


I don`t know any voters who voted Tory at the last election to get a referendum. Come to think of it I don`t personally even know anyone who "banged on about Europe" until the soddin` Referendum campaign had actually started. After that the EU was, apparently, responsible for all that was wrong in their live`s....... I`m sure the stats are out there as to what voters at the last GE voted on, and I`d be amazed if Europe was at the top of many people`s lists.


---------- Post added 07-11-2016 at 11:15 ----------


The only people I have ever met that think this are remoaners, I have yet to meet a brexit voter that thought the NHS was going to receive £350 million a week.


You do know that many people voting to stay because of the fear mongering of the in campaign.


Every country on earth as access to the EU market and Cameron made it very very clear that a vote to leave was a vote to leave the single market. It could not have been made any clearer.


Actually, I`ve met two who repeated it to me as "fact". To be fair one would have probably voted to leave anyway* perfect fodder for those who just tell people what they want to hear, even if it isn`t actually true.


* But, for the purposes of this argument, I`m not that interested in those people, I`m more interested in those who were more undecided in their votes. Remember it was 52/48, not even 60/40, much less 70/30.

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I don`t know any voters who voted Tory at the last election to get a referendum. Come to think of it I don`t personally even know anyone who "banged on about Europe" until the soddin` Referendum campaign had actually started. After that the EU was, apparently, responsible for all that was wrong in their live`s....... I`m sure the stats are out there as to what voters at the last GE voted on, and I`d be amazed if Europe was at the top of many people`s lists.


---------- Post added 07-11-2016 at 11:15 ----------



Actually, I`ve met two who repeated it to me as "fact". To be fair one would have probably voted to leave anyway* perfect fodder for those who just tell people what they want to hear, even if it isn`t actually true.


* But, for the purposes of this argument, I`m not that interested in those people, I`m more interested in those who were more undecided in their votes. Remember it was 52/48, not even 60/40, much less 70/30.


So by your argument there were many remainer who wanted the NHS starved of funds.

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The EU has no control over NHS funding, the EU is blamed for numerous things, when in fact its down to our poor democracy.


I realize that it was a rebuttal to Justin, who seem to think all who voted out, was because of the Bus Poster

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Firstly, stop belittling people you are arguing with by using the derogatory expression of Remoaners. I have as much right to debate this as you do.


Secondly, I just told you that I met at least five people who mainly voted on the understanding they would get a significant increase for the NHS. So I did meet them and they do exist.


You are simply brushing over the announcement from Mother May that the NHS not only will not get any extra money, it will also have to find a way to plug the huge deficit it runs at. The NHS is dying on its feet, I work with people who work in the NHS every day, if it does not get more funding soon it is going to implode. If EU nurses and doctors get told they aren't welcome, or indeed need a visa etc. and leave the NHS in droves (which is already occurring in smaller numbers by the way) than the NHS will implode.


This was all predicted before the vote. But some people only saw the magic words '£350 million to the NHS!'.


You are not surely suggesting that, if residency work stamps in passports, which may or may not be an out come of leaving the EU. That medics may leave. Surely it will just put them on the same footing as non EU medics

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And its now less likely that our MPs will ask us to do any more referendums ;)


That was only the third UK wide referendum. The first was whether to stay in the EEC, the second was on AV.


There have been 11 other referendums on matters relating to countries within the UK.


All because of the principle of parliamentary sovereignty. So anyone who thinks the judges that ruled parliament has to have a say on triggering article 50 don't respect democracy has absolutely no clue how our democracy works.

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