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Could Britex cause an early General Election?

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Calling an early General Election.


Anyone read the Fixed Term Parliaments act yet?


You can't just call one. That bit of Royal Preogative is no longer about...


May has no chance of getting anywhere with that - she can either call a vote of no confidence in her own Govt....


Or she can get 2/3rd of the House to vote for dissolution.


I doubt either are likely.


which she might if she looses the brexit vote

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which she might if she looses the brexit vote


to lose such a vote then at least some of her party must vote against her and that's assuming the opposition plays along with the game and there is a period of a couple of weeks to see if someone else can form a government


at the least she would have to offer to resign as leader and be replaced or confirmed before the campaign proper starts


neither seems a particularly good way to enhance party unity

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Labour - deffo labour. Spare a thought for labour MPs in these troubled times - they've a leader most MPs don't like, they don't want to leave the EU but their core voters do want to leave the EU. At national level they're all over the place and if they do vote brexit they might still lose their jobs!


They've lasted longer than I thought though.


I wrote in here after the Miliband failure that they were finished. They might have one election left to finish it for good. Bad times, when the opposition can't find a few hundred intelligent and realistic people in a population of 60million+

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You seem to think that Parliament is there to fulfil the will of the people. Its not, its there to make decisions on behalf of the people, its very different.


I know that parliament makes lots of decisions on our behalf and they usually face opposition, I am sure they will have made decision that you also disagree with and vocally opposed. They have even been known to change their minds when the public oppose the policies they want to impose on us. On this the people have spoken and if they want people to lose even more trust in government they will do as they want and not what the people want.


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 07:37 ----------


That would be great, but are you telling me 52% of the population voted for a system of soviets? That would be remarkable.


They voted to leave the EU and gain full control of our laws, our money and our borders, Soft brexit doesn't achieve any of that and it is becoming clear that parliament won't allow anything other than soft brexit, 52% didn't vote leave so that MP's could keep us in through the back door.

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I know that parliament makes lots of decisions on our behalf and they usually face opposition, I am sure they will have made decision that you also disagree with and vocally opposed. They have even been known to change their minds when the public oppose the policies they want to impose on us. On this the people have spoken and if they want people to lose even more trust in government they will do as they want and not what the people want.


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 07:37 ----------



They voted to leave the EU and gain full control of our laws, our money and our borders, Soft brexit doesn't achieve any of that and it is becoming clear that parliament won't allow anything other than soft brexit, 52% didn't vote leave so that MP's could keep us in through the back door.


You say people voted for full control of our laws, but everyone knew that laws get made by Parliament. So complaining about Parliament having a say would be daft, right? Unless you think 52% voted for the abolition of Parliament

Edited by Bob Arctor
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You say people voted for full control of our laws, but everyone knew that laws get made by Parliament. So complaining about Parliament having a say would be daft, right? Unless you think 52% voted for the abolition of Parliament


I would bet that 52% of the population would vote for the abolition of Parliament.

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On news night last night it got summed up. If May called for straight in or out vote in Parliament sighting it as vote of confidence in the Parliament. Most labour would abstain,SNP against but the government would carry the day.

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