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Could Britex cause an early General Election?

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You say people voted for full control of our laws, but everyone knew that laws get made by Parliament.


I think its a case that Parliament make our domestic laws but only passes and incorporates laws made by the EU. Once those EU laws are passed then they are effective, and become ours as well.


The whole legal debate overturning the governments wishes and giving parliament a say hinged on that.

Edited by apelike
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I think its a case that Parliament make our domestic laws but only passes and incorporates laws made by the EU. Once those EU laws are passed then they are effective, and become ours as well.


The whole legal debate overturning the governments wishes and giving parliament a say hinged on that.


The High Court decision was nothing to do with EU law. It was an interpretation of the original 1972 act which took us into the then EEC. The High Court ruled that parliament gave rights to citizens under that act and only parliament could withdraw them.

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The High Court decision was nothing to do with EU law. It was an interpretation of the original 1972 act which took us into the then EEC. The High Court ruled that parliament gave rights to citizens under that act and only parliament could withdraw them.


Yes I know and perhaps worded it wrong but was basically saying that its our domestic law that counts.


Here are links to the judgement and summary by the Judges.



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So you like being part of a club that makes it very difficult for you to leave.


I`ve no problem with it. This "club" is stronger and therefore works better for all the members if all of them are in it, so why would they want to make it easy to leave ? Who would expect that they would ?


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 13:42 ----------


So you agree its [the EU] a dictatorship . ?


No, nobody other than Daily Express or Daily Mail readers (other than those who just buy them for the TV guide....) would say that. I picked up a copy of the Express, which had been left on the train, and was appalled by it. It`s not like the Telegraph (which reports news in a fairly unbiased way but is obviously opinionated in it`s editorials), it`s actual news is like reading a Tory or UKIP press statement. I will NEVER understand why so many people read those papers, even if they agree with their editorial positions, don`t they actually want unbiased news ?


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 13:49 ----------


British sovereignty would be Parliament acting according to the wishes of the people instead of ignoring the wishes of the British people.


Can we just check a few things ?

Leave got 52% of the vote, Remain got 48%. It wasn`t 70/30 or even 60/40......

Only 4% of Leave voters would have had to vote differently for the vote to be different.

What percentage of those who voted Leave would have switched their votes had :


1 It been a vote purely about the EU and not about general dissatisfaction with their lot.


2 Leave`s pledge for £350 million a week to the NHS had not been made, or at least they`d admitted it was misleading and stopped making the claim early on in the campaign. My Nephew for one would have voted differently.


3 The most important one, the lies about "we`ll still have full access to the EU market after we leave" were admitted in the campaign. Why this is the most important one is that when the EU`s Brexit deal is finally decided, if full access to the market isn`t there then quite fairly there should be another referendum.


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 13:57 ----------


I think people voted for the Tories as it was the only party to offer an referendum on EU membership and was duly elected in. Labour didn't offer this Miliband rejected the idea. Labour during Gordon Browns time did think about an referendum the idea was put forward but was given the back door treatment perhaps Brown realized even then most people would vote out and the ensuing political turmoil was too much of an risk.


This is absolute rubbish. I`m 100% certain that only a relatively small minority decided their vote on the EU at the last GE. I`d be surprised if even 50% would have put the EU in their top three of things which concerned them when deciding their vote. This is why I think this whole thing, splitting the country and bringing out all sorts of malign acts and attitudes, is just an artificially manufactured nightmare that came about because Cameron never thought he`d get an overall majority.

I still can`t believe it`s actually happened / happening.

Edited by Justin Smith
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I`ve no problem with it. This "club" is stronger and therefore works better for all the members if all of them are in it, so why would they want to make it easy to leave ? Who would expect that they would ?


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 13:42 ----------



No, nobody other than Daily Express or Daily Mail readers (other than those who just buy them for the TV guide....) would say that. I picked up a copy of the Express, which had been left on the train, and was appalled by it. It`s not like the Telegraph (which reports news in a fairly unbiased way but is obviously opinionated in it`s editorials), it`s actual news is like reading a Tory or UKIP press statement. I will NEVER understand why so many people read those papers, even if they agree with their editorial positions, don`t they actually want unbiased news ?


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 13:49 ----------



Can we just check a few things ?

Leave got 52% of the vote, Remain got 48%. It wasn`t 70/30 or even 60/40......

Only 4% of Leave voters would have had to vote differently for the vote to be different.

What percentage of those who voted Leave would have switched their votes had :


1 It been a vote purely about the EU and not about general dissatisfaction with their lot.


2 Leave`s pledge for £350 million a week to the NHS had not been made, or at least they`d admitted it was misleading and stopped making the claim early on in the campaign. My Nephew for one would have voted differently.


3 The most important one, the lies about "we`ll still have full access to the EU market after we leave" were admitted in the campaign. Why this is the most important one is that when the EU`s Brexit deal is finally decided, if full access to the market isn`t there then quite fairly there should be another referendum.


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 13:57 ----------



This is absolute rubbish. I`m 100% certain that only a relatively small minority decided their vote on the EU at the last GE. I`d be surprised if even 50% would have put the EU in their top three of things which concerned them when deciding their vote. This is why I think this whole thing, splitting the country and bringing out all sorts of malign acts and attitudes, is just an artificially manufactured nightmare that came about because Cameron never thought he`d get an overall majority.

I still can`t believe it`s actually happened / happening.


You might dismiss that as ' rubbish' but I knew quite a few voters who said the only reason they voted for the Tories was for an referendum. Yes I agree it has split the country Scotland wants to stay in but England wants to leave I do think the Union will be broken in time. Cameron was a victim of tactical voting and his own naive belief that the electorate would vote to stay in because he had won the general election.

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I`ve no problem with it. This "club" is stronger and therefore works better for all the members if all of them are in it, so why would they want to make it easy to leave ? Who would expect that they would ?


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 13:42 ----------



No, nobody other than Daily Express or Daily Mail readers (other than those who just buy them for the TV guide....) would say that. I picked up a copy of the Express, which had been left on the train, and was appalled by it. It`s not like the Telegraph (which reports news in a fairly unbiased way but is obviously opinionated in it`s editorials), it`s actual news is like reading a Tory or UKIP press statement. I will NEVER understand why so many people read those papers, even if they agree with their editorial positions, don`t they actually want unbiased news ?


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 13:49 ----------



Can we just check a few things ?

Leave got 52% of the vote, Remain got 48%. It wasn`t 70/30 or even 60/40......

Only 4% of Leave voters would have had to vote differently for the vote to be different.

What percentage of those who voted Leave would have switched their votes had :


1 It been a vote purely about the EU and not about general dissatisfaction with their lot.


2 Leave`s pledge for £350 million a week to the NHS had not been made, or at least they`d admitted it was misleading and stopped making the claim early on in the campaign. My Nephew for one would have voted differently.


3 The most important one, the lies about "we`ll still have full access to the EU market after we leave" were admitted in the campaign. Why this is the most important one is that when the EU`s Brexit deal is finally decided, if full access to the market isn`t there then quite fairly there should be another referendum.


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 13:57 ----------



This is absolute rubbish. I`m 100% certain that only a relatively small minority decided their vote on the EU at the last GE. I`d be surprised if even 50% would have put the EU in their top three of things which concerned them when deciding their vote. This is why I think this whole thing, splitting the country and bringing out all sorts of malign acts and attitudes, is just an artificially manufactured nightmare that came about because Cameron never thought he`d get an overall majority.

I still can`t believe it`s actually happened / happening.


The only people I have ever met that think this are remoaners, I have yet to meet a brexit voter that thought the NHS was going to receive £350 million a week.


You do know that many people voting to stay because of the fear mongering of the in campaign.


Every country on earth as access to the EU market and Cameron made it very very clear that a vote to leave was a vote to leave the single market. It could not have been made any clearer.

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You might dismiss that as ' rubbish' but I knew quite a few voters who said the only reason they voted for the Tories was for an referendum. Yes I agree it has split the country Scotland wants to stay in but England wants to leave I do think the Union will be broken in time. Cameron was a victim of tactical voting and his own naive belief that the electorate would vote to stay in because he had won the general election.



As an outsider looking in I did wonder about that.

Actually almost 40% of Scottish voters voted for Brexit but they are represented by 56 MPs who favour remaining in the EU. If there were another election who would that 40% vote for?

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Has anyone thought that the referendum vote was about coming out of the EU but no-one seriously wants that.


The real issue in the Brexit debate now is not about leaving but about what terms we can negotiate to get back in.


Given the choice of remain or leave using the Norway model I would have voted remain.


Thankfully the choice was stay in it as it is or leave it completely, but now the remoaners want to move the goal posts.

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I`ve no problem with it. This "club" is stronger and therefore works better for all the members if all of them are in it, so why would they want to make it easy to leave ? Who would expect that they would ?


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 13:42 ----------



No, nobody other than Daily Express or Daily Mail readers (other than those who just buy them for the TV guide....) would say that. I picked up a copy of the Express, which had been left on the train, and was appalled by it. It`s not like the Telegraph (which reports news in a fairly unbiased way but is obviously opinionated in it`s editorials), it`s actual news is like reading a Tory or UKIP press statement. I will NEVER understand why so many people read those papers, even if they agree with their editorial positions, don`t they actually want unbiased news ?


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 13:49 ----------



Can we just check a few things ?

Leave got 52% of the vote, Remain got 48%. It wasn`t 70/30 or even 60/40......

Only 4% of Leave voters would have had to vote differently for the vote to be different.

What percentage of those who voted Leave would have switched their votes had :


1 It been a vote purely about the EU and not about general dissatisfaction with their lot.


2 Leave`s pledge for £350 million a week to the NHS had not been made, or at least they`d admitted it was misleading and stopped making the claim early on in the campaign. My Nephew for one would have voted differently.


3 The most important one, the lies about "we`ll still have full access to the EU market after we leave" were admitted in the campaign. Why this is the most important one is that when the EU`s Brexit deal is finally decided, if full access to the market isn`t there then quite fairly there should be another referendum.


---------- Post added 04-11-2016 at 13:57 ----------



This is absolute rubbish. I`m 100% certain that only a relatively small minority decided their vote on the EU at the last GE. I`d be surprised if even 50% would have put the EU in their top three of things which concerned them when deciding their vote. This is why I think this whole thing, splitting the country and bringing out all sorts of malign acts and attitudes, is just an artificially manufactured nightmare that came about because Cameron never thought he`d get an overall majority.

I still can`t believe it`s actually happened / happening.


I guess thats why UKIP got just under 4 million votes http://www.ukpolitical.info/2015.htm

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