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Anybody On Here From Brightside Or Hinde House School

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i lived on hayland street opposite brightside school in the sixties went to same school until 1970. we then moved to flower estate when i went to shiregreen school till 76 .then on to hinde house till i left in 1980


I lived on sanderson rd and went to brightside school whats your name

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  • 4 weeks later...

Names I remember from my time at Hinde house.Judith Nodder, Gaynor Townsend, Helen Potts, Heather Whitely, David Claxton.Any one else remember these?

I remember Judith Nodder I think she work's at the Hallamshire Hospital now , other name's I recall - Susan Worrender, Mary Wilson, Kathleen Guest, Johnny Johnson,Robert Lint, Eugene Od, Lorraine Gaydon, this thread is a right blast from the past

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  • 4 weeks later...

i was at hind house school from 1978 now i am feeling old i lived on daffodil road at the time. batty and edwards was the heads i remember edwards expelled my sister from dinners cos she was fighting with a boy i got him banned for scratching me in the face with a fork i hated edwards now batty i liked him if you was ok with him he was with you. and what a coincedence he has grandchildren at my daughters school hes still alive and kicking lol.

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  • 1 month later...
I went to Hinde House School from 1977 to 1983. I left and got married straight after the 6th Form. Any one else there at that that time? I have lost touch with every one.


hiya i left in 83 My name Gail Bilton was there with Tracy marsden, Clair Critchley, Joanne Coleman, maxine gilby ring any bells.Other names lisa stocks, vicky suiter, tina senior, carol green, lynsay broad and laura griffiths, lads names let me think? stephen slack, grifiths, sean dawson, richard ellis,cant' think of anymore. forgot dean rowding, jonathan shaw be back when i think of some more

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hiya carol i know u lol . this sites brill, what u doin now, Iv got 2 daughters 23 n 18 , i was a early starter, cant believe its that long since we left school. I used to work in the fat cat pub doing meals now im a domestic helper, cleaning up after the elderly. i was trying to think of the stanleys the other day. Its nice to hear from you and know that i wasn't invisible back then lol lol. My mum got some old photos while i was still in shiregreen, im going to see if i can get them on ere soon, give us a laugh.

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do you remember anyone called katherine clark, katherine harrison, kathleen ryan, linda richardson, sharon lawrenceson, freda moody and susan thomas?


i knew katherine clark she was my mates little sister

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gail that would be fantastic if you could get some pic on here as i dont have any school fotos my eveil step mother chucked alot of pics away so iv got none so love to see them. well i was a later starter i had to have IVF but thank god i got a lovely daughter shes nearly 13, my last job was working for the youth service but got made redundent 2 years ago and not been in good health since but getting there now so im heading back on the job market again now. most of the stanlys still live up there not sure whos left but no debbie is she was year older than me but we was always together.

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Hiya carol

im on here quite abit now, looking through all the threads and theres some great stories. Keep seeing your name pop up, I was talking to danny myers nephew, he says danny still with vicky suiter. christopher shentall, who was mates with our gary says beany who was the hells angel kid is a tatooist at hillbrough. Sorry to hear you have not been in good health n hope you get better soon, ill try my best t get some photos on soon, ill have to ask my daughter, its lovely talking to you, Keep writing lol. Think i saw debbie in firth park while passing through to shiregreen other satuday. as gary n my mum n dad live up there.

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