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Anybody On Here From Brightside Or Hinde House School

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I was at Hinde House from September 1965 till December 1969. I remember George Ridgeway well. Miss Frohock, Mrs. Long (first form teacher), Chris Hawes (English), Mr. Ward, Mr. Collins, Mr. Hill (History), Mr. Parkin (Maths), Mr. Powell (Chemistry?).


Not forgetting Spam (Pemberton), Turner (nice bloke) and Edwards (scary).

Drinkingman, you must have been there for most of the time that I was! I went in 65, class 1C (C for Chantrey house!) 2B1, 3B1, 4B1 5B1, AND I stayed for 6th Form (brave soul) I don't remember ever ever talking to Edwards, even though Tricia, Cheryl and I did some nice singing at school! Ungrateful Oik!


First form tutor and maths teacher was Mr Ward, and we thought he was lovely, a real nice bloke and not scary unless one of the boys crossed him. Fred Collins was explosive when the lads misbehaved, and I think he was more than willing to 'slipper' them.


Does anyone remember lining up for BCG tests and the rumour spreading down the queue that it was a virginity test!? Hilarious! Why we were panicking I don't know, we were all virgins - 'what if the test goes wrong?' How silly we were. Fun to remember though.

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I went to Hinde House from 1958 to 1962. The teachers I remember were, Mr Andrews (games and music) Mr O'Keefe (games) Mr Millner (games) Mr Napier (metalwork) Mrs Napier ( can't remember what she taught) Mr Gill (maths) Mr Hook (english) Mrs Turner (History) I could probably remember a few more if I thought about it long enough. I still see some of the old lads. Dave Irving, Paul Barson, Rodger Ludlam, Cliff Redfearn, Brian Bilby. I don't see many of the old girls around, mind you, they probably wouldn't want to remember me.

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so Frank, are you younger brother of Gordon Lingard? I went to college with him in Nottingham and he had a brother Frank. I suppose there might be a few Frank Lingards about!


Diane Egan - I reckon you played tennis with a tall girl whose name I can't remember. I played in the tournament (posh name for a bit of a sham) with partner Patricia Woodcock. We played nine game and won none! We gave up on Wimbledon there and then...

I am indeed that person,Gordon lives in Melbourne now but was over here in the Summer. He's had an interesting life (nothing bad) will p.m you if you're interested it'll probably bore the others. Are you Lynne by the way?

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  • 1 month later...

I went to Brighside School and Hinde House and lived on Limpsfield Road :) So did my eldest sister Laraine Guite and my brother Freddie Guite. Any memories anyone. I was born in 58 but they were born in the 40's.. We lived on Limpsfield Road until the middle 70's, nearly at the top on the left hand side number 75, I can remember the cobbled road seemed endless when I used to walk up from the bottom, been since and it not at all?. Does anyone have any memories of my brother at school or later as a drummer, sadly he died in 75. Any photos? I have posted a few on friends reunited from Brightside school. Look forward to hearing from you. Pauline Guite

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  • 6 months later...

Hi Pauline,


Are you still there? You can be forgiven if you have given up waiting for a response after all this time but I have only just caught up with the Forum. Wrote something about Limpsfield back in Jan 07 but there were only a few responses, (Anlaby St having the best recall) so I drifted away. Could it be that most folk who lived there at the time are either dead, moved to the other end of the earth (still how much farther can get than me without falling off the end), don’t give a stuff about the past or are in la la land. Might be a good place to be though. No worries there.

OK cut the crap Pete did I hear you say and get on with it.


So I was born in 47 that’s 1947, at no 69 Limpsfield Rd. My Gran lived in the next yard up at 73? Same yard as you Pauline but to my shame I can’t remember you. Yes, I knew Freddie, we played together a lot. Now I’m talking about kids play not the later pop bands that Freddie was to play in. I think Freddie was a bit younger than me, this is where the brain crumble clicks in again, can’t be sure but there would be only a couple of years in it.

I can remember your Ma and Pa but for some reason I remember Jim better. He was either your Dad’s or Mum’s brother? He was a very friendly guy, lived on Dearne St and drove a truck for the London Brick Co. Always had a red face, that’s Jims face not the truck, although these lorries were red with some black and seemed to be very big to us kids although when you see a restored one today they are quite small. Foden I think?

I have three photos of Freddie taken in the early 50’s. Two were snapped in our backyard the third being taken by a professional photographer of all the pupils of Brightside School. The date on the back says 1954.I can scan these pics and send you the copies. Let me know.


There’s a lot more to say but I’ll leave that until later.


See Ya,


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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

know a few names on here..and a few others....wonder whos still around....i know you are pete all the wY away in kiwiland....why did you go all that way away anyway...Godfrey cole jimmy clark last i heard he was plastering for the council he had a great family a lot of them but i loved going in their house there was such a togetherness about them all...john mclean alwYs remember that dog of theirs judy they called it...i darent walk past it cos it always had this dog/boy kinky sex freak about my leg....ann and lesley buffey...peter brand...keith walker...john reid..billy goodison mick jebb...stephen tate...keith corton..dolores henley.bruce panks stewart panks ..those not with us anymore but still live on in our hearts......barry hill ...maurice lythell..john vollum.billy bennet..pete shevlin

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