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Anybody On Here From Brightside Or Hinde House School

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Ive just found this web site and subject, and know a lot of names from Brightside.

I am a 3rd generation Brightsider, my grandad, Albert Neale was from Brightside, my Dad Ted Neale still lives in Brightside, and I was born in Brightside and lived there for 29 years until I emigrated to Australia in 1998.

I recognise a lot of names from the 70s, of my Dads age, Kiwi Pete and Alanbystreet seem to have grown up in my parents era.

My adulthood centered around the Rising Sun, as did my Dads, and Grandads. Had some good memories in there.

My childhood centered around the park or reck, me and Mr Fiddler never saw eye to eye,although I give him his dues, he kept it spottless.


Ill take a trip down memory lane approx 75 \76


Limpsfield ; the Abdullas, the Parkers, the Vollums as mentioned, the Peaces, the Rastricks, the Joneses, the Brownleys, Mrs Winterbottem, the Greens, the Hattersleys, the Ellises, the Windles, the Willeys, the Gaffneys, the Johnsons,


Stupton; the Hanwells, as mentioned, the Gibbs, the Newtons, the Gills, the Ellises, the Pashleys, the Goodsons, the Waltons


Oxted ;The Neales, the Turtons, the Griffithses, the Capewells, Mrs Dasilva , the Scaifs, the Batesies, the Doyles, the Peacocks, the Bakers, the Burgins, the Ashforths, the Lacks, the Coultons, the Goulsons, Sally Atkin, Wilf the cobbler, the Wilsons, the Newcombes


All to name a few.


It holds some good memories for me Brightside, I do get back every few years although it hasnt got the same community feeling as when growing up in the 70s.


Anyone else have memories of 70s Brightside?


Interesting to see the Goulson name in there, I.ve been researching my family tree for a good few years and have relatives by that surname in Sheffield, earliest known would be around 1900 but I believe the family remained there (possibly still are in the area) for many years.


I also found my paternal grandparents come from Sheffield, surmanes are Turner and Townsend but they go back to the late 1800's, bit of a hitch on researching that line that has to wait for the release of the 1921 census.


Oddly I did find the Goulsons moved to Attercliffe and many moons later I worked almost where the house stood during a brief stint working in Sheffield. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who can provide a little information regarding teh Goulson family in the town to add to the 350 years of history I have traced so far.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Anyone out there who was at Hinde House School, 68-71 ?,Mr Ward was my form teacher,a few names, Christine Colten,John Andrews,Stuart Butler,Andrew Greasley,Anne Redgate,Leonard Beedham,Gail Pinning, Kathleen Ryan .

Simon Unwin


Hi Simon, Andrew Greasley here. Wow what a long time ago it was but now you mention the names it all comes flooding back. If my memory serves me right (which it does not a lot of the time) you had blonde hair? I remember Stuart Butler think he lived on Sandstone somewhere. Ann Redgate lived down Fife street as did Leonard, his parents owned the shop at the bottom of Fife street. For some reason your name rings a bell with a day trip to York museum sometime is that correct?


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  • 2 years later...

Hi there Barry remeber playing on the gas lamp outside your house hi, what happend to your keith we always finished up with the spud gun and the hedgeog at the bottom of your back garden. bit of a late input am over at Grimesthorpe now. fond memories hi.

all the best trevor also known as woodywoodpecker by Stephen Allen hi.

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Yes I lived on Limpsfield Rd, me Peter Selby was born in June 1947 at no 69. My mum Margaret Selby (now 84) nee Thornton, dad George, died 1991, I still miss the old bugger. Dad’s folks lived in the same yard, George and Ada, while mums folk lived in the yard above. I was a much-loved grandson especially by my lovely gran Thornton.


Here are some of the people that I remember.


Keith Walker, who lived on Stupton Rd, married Yvonne Hill and went to live in S/Africa. More about Yvonne in a future article about Hinde House school.


Gordon Rastrick, his mum nee Bolton, he had an adopted brother, can’t remember his name. (c.r.h.n)


Dave Handwell my best mate, lives in Bermuda, has two sons, had a bro named Stephen, his folks were called Bob & Hilda she was a Symonds.They first lived in Dearn St but moved to a new house on Stupton Rd.Living in the same yard as the Symonds were the Rudkins.Jack & his sister Mary they were friends of my mum & dads, they will be in their late eighties by now or pushing up daisies. Their mum kept chickens in the back yard.


Glyn Pashley,he had a sister but (c,r,h,n.)


Freddy Guite,he had a sister named Lorraine.


John MacClean he had a sister but (c,r,h,n.)


Godfrey Cole,folks called Ken & Peggy, Ken had a great sence of hummour.


Mick Hempshall, my best mate,he had a much younger brother named Patrick,they were good Catholics so I guess Pat must have been the result of a stray shot. Parrents Frank & Molly. Micks gran lived in the same yard as well. Mick moved to Rochdale, married Barbara and has a daughter.


Victor Waite who was a bit older that us, still is I suppose, lived in the same yard as Mick,Victors old man had a newsagents shop ( a small shed) at the top of Dearn St

Morris Livell,his mum never went out of the house, we call it agoraphobia today. Morris served his time in the steel works and some time later started up his own business but due to some trifling indiscretion served his time again at Her Majesties Pleasure. Today people diddle others out of millions and get a Knighthood for it.


John Vollum,


Below Johns was Syd Smith he ran a motor cycle repair business from his house, later moving to a shop on Attercliffe Common.Many of my hard earned quids went into Syds till.Syd had a sign over the entry that proudly proclaimed Syd Smith Motor Cycles Rudge Agent. I bet the screw holes are still in the brickwork.


Other people that I remember were old man Wright who lived on the corner of Limpsfield and Oxted Rd. He was a self appointed custodian of the “Quarry” and was always chasing us kids away .We thought that he was a right *******, pun intended, but I got to know him better as a teenager and he was quite a nice guy really.


Susan Ashforth lived on Oxted Rd.


Derek Willsons folks had a fruit and veg shop in Jenkin Rd,he married Linda Swain *******!, more about that later. His folks built a new house on Oxted Rd near the old farm.The house was very posh at the time, they were probably charging too much for the fruit and veg .My dad worked long hours (shifts) as a turner at ESC River Don works for a pittance, this hard graft no doubt contributed to his early death .


Mick & Joyce Smith nee Hotnell, they lived in the same yard as Roy Hatersley.Joyces mum lived on Oxted Rd and ran a sweet shop out of her back room .My aunty, Dorris Whitehead nee Thornton would take me there to buy sweets,(was this the start of tooth cavities).Mick Smith had a Ariel Square 4 which was a very cool bike to have at the time. My dad bought it off him but spoilt it by attaching a sidecar, still I had to go somewhere.

Most of the kids above went to Bright side school including Tina Cotton from Jenkin Rd, Lyn Davies, Dave Nettleton, John Read, Danny Slack both from Dearne St and many others their names I cannot recall. Fortunately I have a Brightside School group photo of us all taken in May 1952 and if we ,The Old Boys and Girls ,were to see it ,it might just jog our old gray mattes and we might be able to put a few names to the faces . It really is fun and embarrassing (God did I really look like that) at the same time, . If any one wants a copy just let me know, then we can compare notes.


One think that is permanently etched in my mind were the toilets at Brightside School. The bogs were built in Victorian times and never upgraded after generations of Brightside kids had put their bums on those ****** soaked wooden seats. I took one look and decided in an instance that no way was my very young arse ever going to make contact with the mahogany. This early (bad) experiences got me into a life long habit of going for a crap before I left home for school or work and you can almost set you’re watch by my bowel rumblings. Rubble rumble must be 6.45, yes sure is, on time as usual, off we go, grab a book. This routine will continue long after I’ve been put in the ground and some early morning jogger, running though the graveyard is going to be in for a fright.


I better stop typing now as I have used all the memory up, mine not the computers. I have more to say especially about Hinde House School. I would love to hear from anyone who can confirm, deny or add to what I have written. The passing of time has a nasty habit of distorting things somewhat but it might have jogged a few memories and perhaps between us we might get the facts straight.


Dave Hanwell is my cousin, Hilda my Aunt is still well, i went to her 90th

a few weeks ago.

Steve is still in Canada and yes Dave lives on Bermuda.

I remember the Burgins (I think) Billy and Ethel??

Also the Rudkins, but I thought they were a married couple, I was very young though.

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Hi there Barry remeber playing on the gas lamp outside your house hi, what happend to your keith we always finished up with the spud gun and the hedgeog at the bottom of your back garden. bit of a late input am over at Grimesthorpe now. fond memories hi.

all the best trevor also known as woodywoodpecker by Stephen Allen hi.


scab please speak to me, I miss you...


---------- Post added 02-03-2015 at 21:32 ----------


Scab I miss you

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