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British Gymnast Banned For "Mocking" Religion

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Olympic silver medallist Louis Smith has been banned for two months for mocking Islam.


Hiya penny, you alright flower ? :wave:


Never heard of this Louis Smith fella, but I've heard of Mo Farah. He won gold a couple of times.

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British Gymnatsics code of conudct.

Contained in part 3 paragraph 8 and in particular subsections CDE and F.



Having sex could also breach rose rules. Do you suggest he goes celibate?

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I recall my devout catholic Irish in-laws loving all Dave Allen's shows and his merciless send-ups of the pope and the catholic faith ...we have come along way havn't we
. From what the talking head on tv said, Muslims don't mind other religions being mocked, it's just theirs that should never be questioned. On pain of death ...?
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Having sex could also breach rose rules. Do you suggest he goes celibate?


I read the rules and assumed they only apply whilst they are a participant.


The rules come under this title.


Part 3: Required Standards of Conduct

8. British Gymnastics expects the highest standards of conduct from Participants, who have a responsibility to ensure that their behaviour and actions meet the high standards expected of them. All Participants are required:


It looks to me like the rules apply whilst they are at an sporting event and not whilst they are out on a night out, he wasn't a participant during the time he was drinking and messing around.

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was he wearing a poppy?


---------- Post added 06-11-2016 at 15:46 ----------


I recall a sketch on Not the 9 o'clock News yonks ago that included a brief shot of muslims on their prayer mats in a mosque. As they performed their ritual a voice-over announced 'And the search for Ayatollah Khomeini's contact lens continues..!'


You wonder about the likelihood of an uproar if that was broadcast for the first time now.


And does that give the dingbats who've stated that their religion is 'Jedi' on the latest census the right to launch a fatwa if someone tweets that Yoda is an inarticulate pillock..?


Given that we're talking about mythical entities anyway, you can't help feeling that the lunatics really have taken over the asylum...


There are even people out there that believe Citizen Khan is a Islamophobic mockery of Islam.

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