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The ruination of Sheffield - St Vincents

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Reading the plans on the link provided it would suggest that the church is to be renovated on the outside. Unfortunately it would appear that a lot of the internal features will be destroyed and lost forever. The church itself will be dwarfed by these new structures. Instead of standing proud in it's own grounds.

As for using your council tax to ' prop up ' a church... a catholic church ???

I am unsure where you are coming from with that comment


Looking at the photos of the church interior, the internal features have already been destroyed by time and neglect, so no real loss there.

The heritage report suggests that the church will not be overshadowed by the new buildings, but will still retain prominence.


---------- Post added 05-11-2016 at 12:21 ----------


I do understand the need for accommodation for students given the fact Sheffield has two large universities but given the amount that's already built or been planned surly by now theirs more than enough to go round?


Im all for reusing old buildings for new uses as long it is done right.This church needs to be saved I agree on that but I think it would be better used as an community space.

I suppose you can go ahead and buy it and submit plans to make it a "community space" then.

How do you think the business plan will work, it's not going to be cheap to buy or renovate, so how are you going to balance the books?

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Looking at the photos of the church interior, the internal features have already been destroyed by time and neglect, so no real loss there.

The heritage report suggests that the church will not be overshadowed by the new buildings, but will still retain prominence.


---------- Post added 05-11-2016 at 12:21 ----------


I suppose you can go ahead and buy it and submit plans to make it a "community space" then.

How do you think the business plan will work, it's not going to be cheap to buy or renovate, so how are you going to balance the books?


Hello Cyclone. I know of quite a few churches that have been reused as community spaces like art galleries or even turned into homes its surprising how many people would like to live in a church. For example Loxley Chapel can still be reused and turned into an home if the will is their St. Vicents can be used for many things St.Mary's church near the Moor has shown it is possible to do like rooms to rent I once attended an meeting in one.


Because an building is old doesn't mean it should be flattened that's no way to go image if York decided to do away with all its old buildings and replace them with nice new shiny buildings would people travel to see that ?


Sheffield has some great buildings from all eras listed or not it makes Sheffield what it is .


---------- Post added 05-11-2016 at 13:25 ----------


You seem to be blurring several issues here.


Firstly the old argument of "how many student flats, facilities pubs does the city need" is pointless. Clearly, it needs more otherwise a private development company wouldn't build them. Businesses arn't stupid. They know the demands and market.


Secondly you compare the loss of an abandoned decaying old church which has not been substantially used by its owners for nearly 20 years to a stadium which is used to thousands of fans every other week and run as an operational business every day of the week. Why should the council pull down one of the football grounds - they are being used. St Vincents is not.


Thirdly, you are trying to compare council OWNED vandalised, abandoned and unfit for habitation housing blocks which quite rightly were pulled down to well maintained, privately owned and privately maintained businesses. What involvement to these buildings do the council have again? See point one. If a developer knows the market and they are being USED what right has the council sticking their beak in and saying they cannot build.


"it looks nice" doesnt pay the bills. Its all well and good demanding the council prop up these buildings but what is the purpose. You are certainly not telling me that, nice as it is, St Vincents has some national and vital historical purpose that must be preserved. Its a church. A very nice chuch. BUT nobody is using it. Nobody cared enough since 1998 about it, its owners seemed quite happy to sod off to their new premises and take the money from the car parking land - but now there is talk of it being pulled down, suddenly there is protest. Its rediculous.


If there were crowds of people by the busload pouring in to Sheffield to stan outside and look at it. If people were queing up to pay a few quid for a tour inside I might be more on your side. There isn't and therefore im not.


Sometimes a building can be incorporated into a new development. Some excellent examples of such are shown all over the city. Sometimes the building is useable for some other purpose and again some excellent examples are around.


On the other hand, sometimes its just not practical or economical for a developer and quite rightly it has to be pulled down.


I say again, nice to look at is not enough. Someone or something has to pay the bills and unless people are prepared to put their hand in their pocket to save their beloved St Vincents why the hell should precious council monies be spent on it. Its not a council building.


WOW, someone doesn't like Victorian buildings so everything that's old should be cleared away and replaced by unmemorable architecture?

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Totally agree with the views about that ghastly monstrosity the Eyesore -Sorry Diamond. Utterly hideous!


I am actually quite heartened that the diamond polarises opinion so strongly. I think that in order for everyone to not dislike it, the building would have to have been some bland, inoffensive thing like many of the 80's glass and steel blocks around Sheffield Hallam Uni. Additionally, the fact that it mostly upsets people who's tastes could best be described as conservative is probably a good thing too - I believe exciting architecture works best by looking forward rather than constantly peering back.

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Yes I can see that the company developing the area are called Unite but this is for student accommodation.....


You started by saying the university has bought the building and are now saying it's a private company.


I guess you might feel differently if they wanted to redevelop the football ground, but that would never happen. Well never say never.


The respective football clubs would have to sell their grounds for that to happen. And they'd have to have somewhere to move to first.


It's not so long ago that Sheffield council were tearing down high rise blocks saying that they were not good for the Sheffield area and no here we are again building more.


Those high rise blocks were hard to let and basically slums. The new blocks being built are infinitely more habitable and aimed at different residents.

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You seem to be blurring several issues here.


Firstly the old argument of "how many student flats, facilities pubs does the city need" is pointless. Clearly, it needs more otherwise a private development company wouldn't build them. Businesses arn't stupid. They know the demands and market.


Secondly you compare the loss of an abandoned decaying old church which has not been substantially used by its owners for nearly 20 years to a stadium which is used to thousands of fans every other week and run as an operational business every day of the week. Why should the council pull down one of the football grounds - they are being used. St Vincents is not.


Thirdly, you are trying to compare council OWNED vandalised, abandoned and unfit for habitation housing blocks which quite rightly were pulled down to well maintained, privately owned and privately maintained businesses. What involvement to these buildings do the council have again? See point one. If a developer knows the market and they are being USED what right has the council sticking their beak in and saying they cannot build.


"it looks nice" doesnt pay the bills. Its all well and good demanding the council prop up these buildings but what is the purpose. You are certainly not telling me that, nice as it is, St Vincents has some national and vital historical purpose that must be preserved. Its a church. A very nice chuch. BUT nobody is using it. Nobody cared enough since 1998 about it, its owners seemed quite happy to sod off to their new premises and take the money from the car parking land - but now there is talk of it being pulled down, suddenly there is protest. Its rediculous.


If there were crowds of people by the busload pouring in to Sheffield to stan outside and look at it. If people were queing up to pay a few quid for a tour inside I might be more on your side. There isn't and therefore im not.


Sometimes a building can be incorporated into a new development. Some excellent examples of such are shown all over the city. Sometimes the building is useable for some other purpose and again some excellent examples are around.


On the other hand, sometimes its just not practical or economical for a developer and quite rightly it has to be pulled down.


I say again, nice to look at is not enough. Someone or something has to pay the bills and unless people are prepared to put their hand in their pocket to save their beloved St Vincents why the hell should precious council monies be spent on it. Its not a council building.


So in part of your statement you are saying that Sheffield council do not tear down functional building that are in use, only areas that are abandoned & vandalised. I don't think thats quite right. They managed to tear down two market area and relocate/rebuild a market on the moor that by all accounts a lot of people are unhappy with and a lot of traders found difficulty in paying their fees/rates for their pitches.

The remark about the football ground was just to point out that more people would take an interest if it were to be changed.

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Hello Cyclone. I know of quite a few churches that have been reused as community spaces like art galleries or even turned into homes its surprising how many people would like to live in a church. For example Loxley Chapel can still be reused and turned into an home if the will is their St. Vicents can be used for many things St.Mary's church near the Moor has shown it is possible to do like rooms to rent I once attended an meeting in one.


Because an building is old doesn't mean it should be flattened that's no way to go image if York decided to do away with all its old buildings and replace them with nice new shiny buildings would people travel to see that ?


Sheffield has some great buildings from all eras listed or not it makes Sheffield what it is .


---------- Post added 05-11-2016 at 13:25 ----------



WOW, someone doesn't like Victorian buildings so everything that's old should be cleared away and replaced by unmemorable architecture?


The planning application doesn't involve "flattening" the church... :huh:

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WOW, someone doesn't like Victorian buildings so everything that's old should be cleared away and replaced by unmemorable architecture?


Please highlight where I have said those words in my post or retract it.


I dont need you putting false words into my mouth.


---------- Post added 05-11-2016 at 17:07 ----------


So in part of your statement you are saying that Sheffield council do not tear down functional building that are in use, only areas that are abandoned & vandalised. I don't think thats quite right. They managed to tear down two market area and relocate/rebuild a market on the moor that by all accounts a lot of people are unhappy with and a lot of traders found difficulty in paying their fees/rates for their pitches.

The remark about the football ground was just to point out that more people would take an interest if it were to be changed.


The markets were not functional. They were decaying, wholly outdated, dirty and in need of urgent repair. The entire purpose of the castlegate area was changing.


After years of people demanding that the city retail up its game and create a more centralised modern shopping space, the moor area is the chosen site for it. The markets was to form part of that.


What would be the point of keeping it where it was and having the nearest shopping streets at the other end of town.


Traders struggling to pay their fees is quite frankly thier issue. Competition and general footfall in markets has been in decline for years. Traders could have easily dragged themsleves into the modern world and evolved. "markets" in 2016 for the most of us is far far more advanced than meat, veg and bags of broken biscuts. You want to trade in a central city market hall in the middle of the prime retail space then you pay the market rate and offer a product that people want to buy.


SCC is not a charity. Taxpayer monies are not infinite.


As for the football grounds, IF by some parallel universe SUFC abandoned Bramall Lane and left it rotting for 20 years, followed by a handful of people demanding it be maintained by the Council would you be supportive to their cause?


I have no problem with architecture of ANY kind and I would agree that SOME buildings (whether habitable or not) may need to be preserved due to their status. St Vincents IS NOT one of them. Its either got to be used by someone who is prepared to pay the bill or incorporated into any new developments.


You have failed to address the key question and seemingly let your noble cause get in the way. Why should precious and finite taxpayer monies be used to preserve a privately owned building that nobody has used for 20 years, is not fit for habitation without major repair and has no major historical interest or national importance to anyone other than a handful of people.


I have previously said that the building's owners have abandoned all interest. IF THEY DONT CARE WHY SHOULD THE REST OF US.


It appears from the plans that the actual structure will remain standing and be incorporated into whatever the new building will be. Those plans you seemingly object to by the university and their developer overlords might actually save your precious building.


Leaving it to rot away just like its own owners have done for the past 20 years aint gonna help much is it.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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The planning application doesn't involve "flattening" the church... :huh:


I know it's not be demolished nor do I wish it so!


---------- Post added 05-11-2016 at 18:14 ----------


Please highlight where I have said those words in my post or retract it.


I dont need you putting false words into my mouth.


---------- Post added 05-11-2016 at 17:07 ----------



The markets were not functional. They were decaying, wholly outdated, dirty and in need of urgent repair. The entire purpose of the castlegate area was changing.


After years of people demanding that the city retail up its game and create a more centralised modern shopping space, the moor area is the chosen site for it. The markets was to form part of that.


What would be the point of keeping it where it was and having the nearest shopping streets at the other end of town.


Traders struggling to pay their fees is quite frankly thier issue. Competition and general footfall in markets has been in decline for years. Traders could have easily dragged themsleves into the modern world and evolved. "markets" in 2016 for the most of us is far far more advanced than meat, veg and bags of broken biscuts. You want to trade in a central city market hall in the middle of the prime retail space then you pay the market rate and offer a product that people want to buy.


SCC is not a charity. Taxpayer monies are not infinite.


As for the football grounds, IF by some parallel universe SUFC abandoned Bramall Lane and left it rotting for 20 years, followed by a handful of people demanding it be maintained by the Council would you be supportive to their cause?


I have no problem with architecture of ANY kind and I would agree that SOME buildings (whether habitable or not) may need to be preserved due to their status. St Vincents IS NOT one of them. Its either got to be used by someone who is prepared to pay the bill or incorporated into any new developments.


You have failed to address the key question and seemingly let your noble cause get in the way. Why should precious and finite taxpayer monies be used to preserve a privately owned building that nobody has used for 20 years, is not fit for habitation without major repair and has no major historical interest or national importance to anyone other than a handful of people.


I have previously said that the building's owners have abandoned all interest. IF THEY DONT CARE WHY SHOULD THE REST OF US.


It appears from the plans that the actual structure will remain standing and be incorporated into whatever the new building will be. Those plans you seemingly object to by the university and their developer overlords might actually save your precious building.


Leaving it to rot away just like its own owners have done for the past 20 years aint gonna help much is it.


Its the way you across with this subject you said this before on an another thread basically on the lines of new build is good . Their is people out their who do think certain buildings should be saved yes I agree some are not worth saving but each should be assessed on their merits.

Edited by crookedspire
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