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The ruination of Sheffield - St Vincents

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Yes I can see that the company developing the area are called Unite but this is for student accommodation..... Do you suppose all these facilities are for people that are from the school of hard knocks or the school of life. or maybe just maybe they are for university students.

How much student accommodation, facilities, hubs & pubs does one city need.

In todays Sheffield star yet another page concerning the development of Hollis croft and the multi story buildings in the area.

I guess you might feel differently if they wanted to redevelop the football ground, but that would never happen. Well never say never.

I am not opposed to change and redevelopment of rundown areas but please try and conserve some of the cities history.

It's not so long ago that Sheffield council were tearing down high rise blocks saying that they were not good for the Sheffield area and no here we are again building more.


It is a private company and not the University. theres a difference between converting and tearing down.

Unfortunately if they are willing to either buy it or work in conjunction with its owners, then you dont really get a say, because its theirs and not yours. Perhaps if the good people of sheffield till went to church , then it could have maintained its original usage.


If you dont wnat more students in Sheffield then stand for the Council and start opposing the universities, which are one of the few success stories for this city.

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I do understand the need for accommodation for students given the fact Sheffield has two large universities but given the amount that's already built or been planned surly by now theirs more than enough to go round?


You do realise that the crumbling student digs of the 1980s and 1990s are no longer wanted by students to live in anymore, it's all about serviced self contained flats now. The students are returning to the town centre, and the nasty little terraces with woodchip and mould on the walls and 30 year old carpets are returning back to normal occupation.

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You do realise that the crumbling student digs of the 1980s and 1990s are no longer wanted by students to live in anymore, it's all about serviced self contained flats now. The students are returning to the town centre, and the nasty little terraces with woodchip and mould on the walls and 30 year old carpets are returning back to normal occupation.


And soon will be the latest must have for Sheffielders.

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Its the way you across with this subject you said this before on an another thread basically on the lines of new build is good . Their is people out their who do think certain buildings should be saved yes I agree some are not worth saving but each should be assessed on their merits.


Once more - this building looks like it is being saved. By private investors, not the council.


What more do you want, free biscuits? Your argument is baseless and flawed from head to toe.

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Once more - this building looks like it is being saved. By private investors, not the council.


What more do you want, free biscuits? Your argument is baseless and flawed from head to toe.


Well at least the church been saved that's what matters at the end of the day.


As for my argument which in reality is just opinion I'm sure you have posted some flawed and baseless views over the years ;)

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Point them out please.


How long have you got? :hihi:


Back on topic now .I'm hoping this goes ahead this development might kick start work on the Queens Hotel on Scotland Street I noticed that work has started around that area further down on Scotland Street .A lot of Chinese students live in this area and have a shop their Iv been in it.

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How long have you got? :hihi:


You'll need at least a few hours ;)


Back on topic now .I'm hoping this goes ahead this development might kick start work on the Queens Hotel on Scotland Street I noticed that work has started around that area further down on Scotland Street .A lot of Chinese students live in this area and have a shop their Iv been in it.


The council's masterplan has been targeting the whole north-end of the centre for decades now but first focus was on Kelham Island and Riverside. I have a feeling that once Kelham Island is 'done' (which it isn't yet), attention will shift to this area which is great. Plenty of opportunity to make it into a really nice part of the city.


I'd really like to see an offering of mixed city-living, not just apartments but also townhouses and eateries/bars/pubs.


---------- Post added 06-11-2016 at 08:11 ----------


There's more to this city than students, I for one are sick and tired of pandering to student needs, what about the people who would love new accomodation but are stuck in substandard homes.


What about them?

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