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Lower benefits cap

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So your plan is to tell everyone to eat less and so the increases in the price of food won't be a bad thing.

Unless of course you're already poor, in which case it will be catastrophic...

Perhaps you're not poor, but if you want to eat less, then just do it, there's no reason to engineer an economic collapse just for the sake of your diet.

As a country we want to eat food that is seasonal or simply can't be produced economically in the UK. When did you last see an avocado farm in the UK? Or Oranges, or lamb at this time of year? Just to pick a few examples.

What are you expecting to happen, more grain to be grown, that's possible. Maybe a small expansion in animal rearing, but presumably we already supply enough pigs locally for the market or new pig farms would already be opening up... CAP is long due lots of modifications, but I don't think that leaving the EU will somehow let us produce the food we want at a price that is sensible (economically).


We import foods that we can produce, there won't be an economic collapse, we will still import the foods we can't produce, even the UK's poor people eat more than they should and paying them to become obese is obscene and concreting over fertile farm land is also obscene. Its sensible to use fertile farm land for food production and leave some land set aside for wild life.

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Trade is a wonderful thing and we should not take steps to reduce it.


It may well be good for the exporters and Government, it is not always good for the population.

We will no doubt suffer inflation because we import food and sterling has fallen. We should be careful that we are not too reliant on other countries for food.

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We import foods that we can produce, there won't be an economic collapse, we will still import the foods we can't produce, even the UK's poor people eat more than they should and paying them to become obese is obscene and concreting over fertile farm land is also obscene. Its sensible to use fertile farm land for food production and leave some land set aside for wild life.


They eat lower quality than they should, which contributes to the obesity problem. Putting up food prices will drive them further into food (and general) poverty. It won't help reduce obesity, it will contribute to it. Whilst also causing inflation at an undesirable rate and not resulting in any positive effects at all.

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I am going back a few years but I am sure Britain was 60% self sufficient in producing food, however since then there has been a large increase in the population. If that is still the case perhaps we should increase it a bit more. I still think we need to trade with other countries, in case of a bad harvest.


I wonder what power the supermarkets have when it comes to importing food?

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It may well be good for the exporters and Government, it is not always good for the population.

We will no doubt suffer inflation because we import food and sterling has fallen. We should be careful that we are not too reliant on other countries for food.


The entire point of the CAP is to ensure that Europe as a whole is capable of feeding itself.


---------- Post added 13-11-2016 at 19:43 ----------


As we leave the EU we should be bringing that back into agricultural production to produce more of the food we need.


Perhaps you could clarify then, what is that we "need" and that we will be able to produce?

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They eat lower quality than they should, which contributes to the obesity problem. Putting up food prices will drive them further into food (and general) poverty. It won't help reduce obesity, it will contribute to it. Whilst also causing inflation at an undesirable rate and not resulting in any positive effects at all.


The food they eat is more expensive than the healthy food.

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The entire point of the CAP is to ensure that Europe as a whole is capable of feeding itself.


It keeps cheap food from the developing world out of our supermarkets.

So it makes our food expensive, and it keeps the worlds' poor, poor.

On the other hand it makes European farmers happy. :loopy:

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It keeps cheap food from the developing world out of our supermarkets.

So it makes our food expensive, and it keeps the worlds' poor, poor.

On the other hand it makes European farmers happy. :loopy:


CAP is the biggest issue the EU needs to sort, fortunately, without the UK interfering, it has just become a bit easier :)

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