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CPS considers Brexit leave campalgn

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They said send, which was incorrect and untrue. We dont lose control over money we never sent. The IFS, UK staitustics authority and full facts confirmed this.


---------- Post added 08-11-2016 at 23:12 ----------



Because youve wasted a lot of time and seem uninterested in dicussing the topic of this thread. You started talking about the £350m pound and then you insist on following it up with irrelevant questions.


You explain why you think its relevant as to whether we do or do not send Brussels £350m a week.


as i said before i was debuting you statement, however ill answer my own question, cos its getting late to be pulling teeth. the rebate is variable, thats why we got stiffed for an extra demant for £1.7 bill last year.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/11184605/Explainer-Why-must-Britain-pay-1.7bn-to-the-European-Union-and-can-we-stop-it-happening.html

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as i said before i was debuting you statement, however ill answer my own question, cos its getting late to be pulling teeth. the rebate is variable, thats why we got stiffed for an extra demant for £1.7 bill last year.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/11184605/Explainer-Why-must-Britain-pay-1.7bn-to-the-European-Union-and-can-we-stop-it-happening.html


Completely irrelevant to the subject of this thread.

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Completely irrelevant to the subject of this thread.


is the rebate set in stone, go on then ill give you this one too, no it is not, it was debated in the last Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) were a lot of States wanted to get rid of it and it will be back on the table in 2020 at the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).


now with you learning, you can clearly see why it is our indebtedness that is paramount which is guess, £350 Mill a week

Edited by phil752
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You probably didn't see it just like the majority didn't as it was promptly withdraw soon after and the reason why there are no other pictures of it.


You mean this image that is all over the internet was not see :huh:




---------- Post added 09-11-2016 at 10:49 ----------


I didnt state it was changed because it was untrue or a lie, you did.


---------- Post added 08-11-2016 at 16:39 ----------




As I stated in post 68 it was changed again almost a month before the vote took place.


Here is the sky news link about it and another big lie by remainer George Osborne about households being £4,300 a year worse off if we leave.

Remain also lied about 3 million jobs being dependent on the EU.




As said before, both sides tried to mislead the public before the referendum took place.


I'm not asking you about George Osborne, I'm asking you about the pledge on the Vote Leave Bus.


You are saying there was a different slogan, but there is no evidence of this. It clearly states £50 million a day or £350 million a week. Both of which are the same amount.


As this has now been reneged on, do you accept it was a false claim?

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Thats horse [expletive deleted].

How many referenda do you want? Exactly.

Is it keep voting until we vote remain, or best 3 out of 5 or what?


I didn't say I wanted another, I was just saying that I'm glad we have the ability to challenge.


It wasn't what I'd voted, but I accept the result. Others don't and are using their right to challenge... as Farage said he'd do if it was close and we remained.


Better this than somewhere like Korea where the leader's word is final and execution awaits for those who oppose.

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I didn't say I wanted another, I was just saying that I'm glad we have the ability to challenge.


It wasn't what I'd voted, but I accept the result. Others don't and are using their right to challenge... as Farage said he'd do if it was close and we remained.


Better this than somewhere like Korea where the leader's word is final and execution awaits for those who oppose.


So if we allow only individual referenda rather than repeated ones on the same question, we turn into the PDRK ?

Farage is a tool.

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So if we allow only individual referenda rather than repeated ones on the same question, we turn into the PDRK ?

Farage is a tool.


Not at all, and it was an extreme example, I admit, but we have the right to challenge decisions.


If it's upheld then fine and dandy, nothing changes. If it's overturned, they've obviously found something wrong with the original process. Either way, democracy is intact and people have managed to execute their right by the laws of the land.


If you're unhappy with that, use your right to challenge and get the laws changed...

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The referendum said to leave the EU. What it didn't state was what that actually meant in practice. I think that's why it's so important for parliament to have a say rather than just our PM to call it. We are leaving, I accept that no matter how much I dislike it, but there are so many if, buts and maybes with regards to how we actually leave that it just MUST be parliament who decide. Surely?

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The referendum said to leave the EU. What it didn't state was what that actually meant in practice. I think that's why it's so important for parliament to have a say rather than just our PM to call it. We are leaving, I accept that no matter how much I dislike it, but there are so many if, buts and maybes with regards to how we actually leave that it just MUST be parliament who decide. Surely?


The uncertainly is largely a false construct of the remain resistance. Both campaigns were very clear that a vote to leave would mean leaving the single market. There was no question over whether brexit would be full brexit until the remain folk realised that they'd lost the vote.

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