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CPS considers Brexit leave campalgn

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They all lied, to a man (or indeed, woman) in this campaign - it was national disgrace regardless of who won. Given the numbers any court case would be a waste of time.


They did indeed, but surely you`d agree that Leave`s lies were more frequent and repeated for longer. I can only think of one outright lie or serious exaggeration, on the part of Remain Osborne`s "emergency budget".

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Apparently the CPS are considering if the Leave campaigners misled voters. Are they joking? If that is the case every politician on the lead up to an election should be investigated. So many have backtracked on promises, this government included.

Sounds like a good time to rob a bank then, the courts are going to be booked up for about the next 25 years trying politicians, and there'll be no empty cells in prisons even if they do manage to find you guilty.


---------- Post added 07-11-2016 at 15:47 ----------


They did indeed, but surely you`d agree that Leave`s lies were more frequent and repeated for longer. I can only think of one outright lie or serious exaggeration, on the part of Remain Osborne`s "emergency budget".

Just before the referendum Cameron was asked at PMQs by Douglas Carswell if he'd resign if he lost the referendum, he gave a one word answer 'NO' with a smug look on his face and sat down to the cheers of the remoaners.

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They did indeed, but surely you`d agree that Leave`s lies were more frequent and repeated for longer. I can only think of one outright lie or serious exaggeration, on the part of Remain Osborne`s "emergency budget".


I wouldn't actually - osbournes was a deliberate and spiteful scare tactic. He'd be one of the first in the dock. But there were loads.


Obviously, a large chunk of the press should follow him but that won't happen.

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Apparently the CPS are considering if the Leave campaigners misled voters. Are they joking? If that is the case every politician on the lead up to an election should be investigated. So many have backtracked on promises, this government included.


Every politician ever would need to be scrutinised though, they all spin a web of lies.


---------- Post added 07-11-2016 at 16:24 ----------


Interestingly political pamphlets are not subject to scrutiny from the ASA. Had that been the case Leave could not have claimed 'we send 350m to the EU every week' as it is untrue.


That's not to say Remain didn't make outrageous predictions. But as they are predictions I'm not sure how they could be censured in the same way.


The ASA are totally useless anyway though so it makes little difference.


Even if they could censor the wild claims their investigation process takes so long, they wouldn't have got their act together before the vote happened.

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Every politician ever would need to be scrutinised though, they all spin a web of lies.


---------- Post added 07-11-2016 at 16:24 ----------



The ASA are totally useless anyway though so it makes little difference.


Even if they could censor the wild claims their investigation process takes so long, they wouldn't have got their act together before the vote happened.


Perhaps pamphlets should be run by a sort of independant ASA lawyer before being printed then? And Party Political Broadcasts?

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What is your source for this having reached the CPS?

Report here.

If a case was brought successfully, it would not have any bearing on the referendum result or prevent the UK leaving the EU, but could result in criminal punishment of anyone held responsible by the courts for making false statements.

From the report, it seems to be aimed at stopping the blatant lies seen in the referendum campaigns from spreading to other elections. I'm sure none of us want UK election campaigns to descend in to the pit that US elections seem to have.

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Perhaps pamphlets should be run by a sort of independant ASA lawyer before being printed then? And Party Political Broadcasts?


Perhaps so, the half truths and the outright lies were quite substantial in the campaign, both sides were really laying it on thick.


For example this picture of Boris stood next to 'that claim' was widley circulated after Farage made that awful interview after the result came in.

Edited by geared
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Apparently the CPS are considering if the Leave campaigners misled voters. Are they joking? If that is the case every politician on the lead up to an election should be investigated. So many have backtracked on promises, this government included.


What is your source? Link it please and then people can know what you are on about.

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Perhaps so, the half truths and the outright lies were quite substantial in the campaign, both sides were really laying it on thick.


For example this picture of Boris stood next to 'that claim' was widley circulated after Farage made that awful interview after the result came in.


You know I'd not seen that picture before. That's more damning than the one on the bus that everyone says only the stupid must have believed.


I never believed it. Nor that Cameron wouldn't resign.

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