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CPS considers Brexit leave campalgn

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Serious question,what do we get in return for that 160 million that benefits EVERYBODY in this country.


This is the big question as to whether it was a good deal or not. We will find out in 10-20 years time.


Greater political influence

Greater EU co operation.

A more stable European continent.

Easier EU travel.

Greater economic activity via the single market. Includes companies choosing the UK because we are in the single market

Access to trading easily with the 450m extra people, without tariffs.

Supposed greater economic propserity as a result.


That affects everyone. Less successful business could mean less tax revenue, fewer jobs, weaker currency etc. That could all have knock on effects.


Alternatively we might do better outside the EU and find x new countries like India and China who wish to do deals.

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It's still £12.9bn we won't have to send in future. The EU funding is more like a third at £4bn so still change of £8bn+ that we can use to wave at the EU and chant bog off.


The EU funding is closer to £5.9 billion.

The cost is about £7 billion.


The only other effect on that is any contributory cost if we decide we want access to the single market. This will not be cheap. We know the rough cost based on what the Swiss and the Norwegians pay.


If we dont want access then we will find out whether that means an economic hit including less EU trade and businesses leaving the UK to ensure they remain in the EU and single market.

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This is the big question as to whether it was a good deal or not. We will find out in 10-20 years time.


Greater political influence

Greater EU co operation.

A more stable European continent.

Easier EU travel.

Greater economic activity via the single market. Includes companies choosing the UK because we are in the single market

Access to trading easily with the 450m extra people, without tariffs.

Supposed greater economic propserity as a result.


That affects everyone. Less successful business could mean less tax revenue, fewer jobs, weaker currency etc. That could all have knock on effects.


Alternatively we might do better outside the EU and find x new countries like India and China who wish to do deals.


The problem i have is that the cynic in me thinks that the rich benefit the most from it while the rest of us do the work for them.They exploit workers from poor countries who they know will come here and work their hearts out for the minimum wage.Has you say,supposed economic prosperity,it does not feel that way to be honest.

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The problem i have is that the cynic in me thinks that the rich benefit the most from it while the rest of us do the work for them.They exploit workers from poor countries who they know will come here and work their hearts out for the minimum wage.Has you say,supposed economic prosperity,it does not feel that way to be honest.


I can understand that, but imagine its poor for the eocnomy. less jobs and fewer successful businesses. That means less tax revenue, which means more public debt or more cuts in services. The people who claim we will be better off somply do not know and its a massive leap in the dark.


The people who wanted to remain are more a better the devil you know. I dont think we will begin to see a full picture for 10-20 years from now.

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I can understand that, but imagine its poor for the eocnomy. less jobs and fewer successful businesses. That means less tax revenue, which means more public debt or more cuts in services. The people who claim we will be better off somply do not know and its a massive leap in the dark.


The people who wanted to remain are more a better the devil you know. I dont think we will begin to see a full picture for 10-20 years from now.


I am prepared to take the risk,fortune favours the bold.

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They did indeed, but surely you`d agree that Leave`s lies were more frequent and repeated for longer. I can only think of one outright lie or serious exaggeration, on the part of Remain Osborne`s "emergency budget".


He could argue that he would have introduced an emergency budget, but Theresa May sacked him before he had the chance, so he never lied.

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But they did mislead voters, everyone knows that. The £350 million to the NHS pledge was the most obvious, which, on their "battle bus" they effectively repeated every day. But they also misled, and continue to mislead, on their assurances over access to the single market, what is it, something like "we`ll get access to the single market without paying anything or accepting free movement of people". Not one senior EU official has said anything other than that isn`t going to happen, yet they`re still saying it......

Most significantly, the Leave campaign only "won" by 52/48, so it`s entirely possible, I`d say probably, that the result was influenced by these lies. I can honestly say I wouldn`t be so upset by this whole referendum business if the result hadn`t been close, because I accept that the campaign made no difference to about 70% plus of voters (on either side), it`s the rest in the middle who were influenced.

The big problem is all those lies are coming home to roost now with many Remainers very unhappy. Whenever I hear about "the clearly stated wish of the British people", I feel like throwing something at the radio.


As a general principle I approve of lying politicians of whatever political party, being made to account for their untruths.



Get over it Brexit did WIN. 52/48 or 51/49 it matters not. The WIN equated to a million and a quarter votes more for OUT. That's democracy in action.



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You know I'd not seen that picture before. That's more damning than the one on the bus that everyone says only the stupid must have believed.


You probably didn't see it just like the majority didn't as it was promptly withdraw soon after and the reason why there are no other pictures of it.

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You probably didn't see it just like the majority didn't as it was promptly withdraw soon after and the reason why there are no other pictures of it.


Well it did make it onto the news and into the maintstream press, but I guess everyone doesnt watch, listen or read.

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