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CPS considers Brexit leave campalgn

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:roll: You're good at saying that we don't send 350m but I notice you never go on to state how much you think we actually do send. It won't do just to say *we don't send 350m to the EU each week* and then just leave it at that, as you do!


As I understand it £350 million is debited each week but then we get some back through the rebate and the regional development fund, or whatever its called. So it is true we send £350 a week to the EU.


Come on Alan, you know full well that, at best, the £350 million a week to the EU > NHS was / is thoroughly misleading.

Nett we do not send the EU any where near £350 million a week, and, even more significantly, that amount will not be spent on the NHS. Quite apart from anything else the Govt has already started promising that Farmers and Nissan and Gawd knows who else will be no worse off as a result of Brexit. And that`ll cost them a pretty penny.


---------- Post added 08-11-2016 at 14:30 ----------


I, for one, think it's a good thing that we can request reviews of decisions.


The amount of people incorrectly imprisoned or, in the past, executed, for example. Purely my reasons for being against re-introduction of the death penalty. Imagine being convicted for something and not having a chance to appeal, whether you did it or not.


Also, what about the stupid people who only voted 'out' as a protest vote, not thinking that it would actually happen? Not saying the amount would definitely have been enough to affect the outcome, but it does make you think...


Oh I do think it affected the result. Remember, only 4% of those who voted to Leave would have had to vote the other way for it to be a different result.


Most people I know voted Remain, but the two (of those I could really talk to about it) who voted Leave gave interesting reasons. One said they wanted an extra £350 million a week to the NHS (I kid you not, but to be fair he`s not very interested in politics), the other said "things couldn`t be any worse than they are at the moment". Well actually they could, and even if they couldn`t, what exactly has that got to do with the EU ?

Edited by Justin Smith
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Most people I know voted Remain, but the two (of those I could really talk to about it) who voted Leave gave interesting reasons. One said they wanted an extra £350 million a week to the NHS (I kid you not, but to be fair he`s not very interested in politics), the other said "things couldn`t be any worse than they are at the moment". Well actually they could, and even if they couldn`t, what exactly has that got to do with the EU ?



What efforts did you make to find grounds to invalidate the votes of those who voted with you for remain?

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Was the former not took down straight away.

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the other said "things couldn`t be any worse than they are at the moment".


By any chance is your friend employed in a stable job and living in relative comfort in their own home??


---------- Post added 08-11-2016 at 15:17 ----------


Was the former not took down straight away.


What you mean after the big photo opportunity??

Can you find anything to show it was??


---------- Post added 08-11-2016 at 15:19 ----------


Yes as I have explained before, and the bus logo was also changed a month before the vote. But as its still in the web it will always be shown by the remainers as evidence of lies.


To what, I can't find a single picture of the bus after it was changed?


UKIP had one, it was purple




Farage had an open-top double-decker in purple as well




The slogan wasn't just on a bus though, they'd plastered it all over the internet.

Luckily a few sites kept a copy of the original, naturally it and the site disappeared off the internet as soon as the vote came in.

Edited by geared
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---------- Post added 08-11-2016 at 15:19 ----------


To what, I can't find a single picture of the bus after it was changed?


Quote from sky news:


"Both the Remain and Leave campaigns have been accused of making "misleading" claims in the EU referendum battle by a cross-party group of MPs.


The chairman of the Commons Treasury Select Committee, Andrew Tyrie, has blasted "the arms race of ever more lurid claims and counter-claims" by the two sides and demanded a halt with less than a month to go before the crunch 23 June vote."


"The Vote Leave bus has now been rebranded with the slogan being changed to "We send the EU £50m a day".


The campaign said this was done to promote its offer of a £50m prize to any voter who can correctly predict every result of the European football championships."

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The £350m to the NHS Big Lie was because the head of the NHS had said that remaining in the EU is in the NHS' interests and that leaving would be bad.


Knowing that the public will vote for what's good for the NHS, Boris and chums decided to tell a big NHS lie and tell it often.

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The £350m to the NHS Big Lie was because the head of the NHS had said that remaining in the EU is in the NHS' interests and that leaving would be bad.


Knowing that the public will vote for what's good for the NHS, Boris and chums decided to tell a big NHS lie and tell it often.


Until they stopped doing it at a critical time a month before the vote, so plenty of time for the electorate to see and hear.

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