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CPS considers Brexit leave campalgn

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The £350m to the NHS Big Lie was because the head of the NHS had said that remaining in the EU is in the NHS' interests and that leaving would be bad.


Knowing that the public will vote for what's good for the NHS, Boris and chums decided to tell a big NHS lie and tell it often.



Yes we get it. It's an irregular verb.

We "lied", you "made a prediction". We "deceived", you "didn't really say that after all". We "misled", you "expressed an opinion".

It's all perfectly clear.

Edited by unbeliever
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"The Vote Leave bus has now been rebranded with the slogan being changed to "We send the EU £50m a day".


In all honesty my maths is pretty crap, but £50m a day is still £350m a week isn't it?


This is the new bus right??




---------- Post added 08-11-2016 at 16:08 ----------


Sorry if I'm being stupid but I don't understand how the slogan on the new and the original bus is any different??

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In all honesty my maths is pretty crap, but £50m a day is still £350m a week isn't it?


This is the new bus right??




---------- Post added 08-11-2016 at 16:08 ----------


Sorry if I'm being stupid but I don't understand how the slogan on the new and the original bus is any different??


Isn't the £350 Million a week our indebtedness to the EU, is the rebate fixed or variable, Has France and I think Poland not always been trying to get rid of our rebate

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Yes as I have explained before, and the bus logo was also changed a month before the vote. But as its still in the web it will always be shown by the remainers as evidence of lies.


Im sorry but I don't understand your point here. If the bus had to have its slogan changed due to being untrue, it was a lie, there is no other way of looking at it. Vote Leave campaigned with this claim as their headline for months. You cannot say "oh whoops it was wrong, we'll change it" at the last moment.


Also, I can find evidence of the claim going from 350 million a week to 50 millions, but this lesser amount still says "lets give this to the NHS instead".


The Leave campaign were not stupid, they knew what they were doing and they lied to the population, knowing full well that lie will remain in the minds of people as they vote, even after they retracted it on the quite.


---------- Post added 08-11-2016 at 16:39 ----------


No, thats the one a month before.


So you are saying there were three slogans.


Odd as the bus had the £350 million claim on it on the 12th May, just over a month before the vote. Are you saying it changed twice in the period between this date and the 23rd June?

Edited by Berberis
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Yes it`s very "clever", but I`d have thought if it`d been an advert the ASA would find against it. Let`s be honest, it was very misleading, cynics (like me) would say it was deliberately misleading. You have to remember a lot of people aren`t that interested in politics, particularly some of the people who voted in this election. A small percentage a grant you, but then again, there was only a 4% margin......


---------- Post added 08-11-2016 at 17:29 ----------


The British Election Survey found in July that the number of people who regret voting for leave was sufficient to remove the majority for leaving and change it to a remain vote.




What`s worrying is that the Brexiteers will keep banging on about "the will of the people" and "it`s not democratic" (to have any second vote even if things change or if the exit terms become clear, ignoring the obvious contradiction in their argument) so much that even those who may have changed their minds may think "oh I shouldn`t do that, I don`t want to be undemocratic".


* and, most significantly, worse than Leave claimed they would be.


---------- Post added 08-11-2016 at 17:32 ----------


Since all the people complaining that the £350m was a lie are the same ones who voted to stay in, and the ones who voted out are still quite happy about the outcome, what's the problem?


I`m not sure what point you`re making, unless it`s that Leave won and the Leave campaign aren`t much bothered what the other half (very nearly) of the population think. But they should be.

Not everyone who voted Leave are happy with the £350 million pound lie, sorry, misleading statement...

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