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The best Government?

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How can we judge which Government did a good job at running the country?


GDP, low unemployment, FTSE 250, the average wage; there must be lots of ways.

The FTSE went up slowly from 1998-1992(Tony Blair?), yet rose very quickly 2010-2015(coalition?).




Real Wage growth was slow from 1990-95(Thatcher/Major?), and downwards from 2009.




Which Government did the best?

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There's good and bad in most, in fact you have to do a pretty crap job to be remembered as 'bad'.


I don't remember anything decent coming out of Brown's time as PM, it was pretty much dominated by the financial crisis, and with him being the ex-chancellor alot of criticism fell on his shoulders.


What I do remember is an election pledge to "spend out way out of recession" :roll::roll::roll:

Can't imagine why he lost that one

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Even though i have never voted tory and unlikely that i ever will,i was better off under maggie thatchers government.I was earning a good wage for my age with as much overtime as i wanted and bonus every month.Sadly for me, since the late nineties it has all been downhill.I know it wasnt like that for most people but i enjoyed the eighties.

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Even though i have never voted tory and unlikely that i ever will, i was better off under Maggie Thatchers government.


The biggest aspect of many peoples lives is being allowed to buy your own council house, with the equivalent to 2 years salary discount.


But someone must pay for that, it could be bad for the country.

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The biggest aspect of many peoples lives is being allowed to buy your own council house, with the equivalent to 2 years salary discount.


But someone must pay for that, it could be bad for the country.


To be honest i never agreed with the selling of council homes and i still dont.I own my own home on a private estate but i was brought up on a council estate.This allowed me to save up to buy my own home.The problem now is that the young have to rent privately on high rents which stops them being able to save up for their own home.House prices are kept high which benefits private landlords.Sadly subsequent governments have done the same,i notice that the Scots have shown some sense and have stopped doing it.In hindsight i think Tony Blairs government was the worst one i have lived through,i felt cheated because as a working class person i did believe he would make things better for me,how wrong i was,i was better off under the Tories.A traitor to the working class and the end of me ever voting for the Labour party again and Corbyn and his cronies are strengthening the feeling of disdain i have for the Labour party.

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To be honest i never agreed with the selling of council homes and i still dont.

The problem now is that the young have to rent privately on high rents which stops them being able to save up for their own home.


The main problem there was the government preventing councils spending the money raised from selling property on building new council stock.

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The main problem there was the government preventing councils spending the money raised from selling property on building new council stock.


Lots of northern councils had surplus housing stock, it would have been daft in those areas to build more. I remember Kirklees bussing people up from London in the hope they'd want to rent from them. At the end of the 90s there were lots of empty council properties here, eg Parkhill flats. Of course the best houses disappeared quickly when Right to Buy was introduced, some folk made a real killing.


I thought Tony Blairs government might have withdrawn the Right to Buy, but it was too much of a vote catcher.

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To be honest i never agreed with the selling of council homes and i still dont.


I certainly dont agree to give some people a £30,000 gift from tax payers money, and others not.


But it does help split up big council estates; if all UK citizens got given a house, and it was theirs to keep, that would work.

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