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How will the Trump presidency affect BREXIT ?

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Personally I cannot believe that just when a narcissistic populist, who got the Presidency by promising to protect US jobs by introducing tariffs, is coming to power, the UK is, probably, leaving the biggest free trade area in the world. And there`s more, Trump has consistently said he`d cut back on the US involvement in NATO. During the Referendum campaign the Leave lobby were saying our security is based on NATO, not the EU. So what happens now ?

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It won't affect it and I think some people need to stop making prediction because they keep being wrong.


What, like the prediction we could spend another £350 million a week on the NHS if we left the EU. Yes, you`re right, maybe people shouldn`t make predictions, particularly if they may affect the result of an important referendum. The latter having, in my opinion, an effect on the US presidency, which has resulted in us having a narcissistic egotistical populist as head of the most powerful country in the world.


One minor positive of Trump`s election. After the EU Referendum I no longer regarded the US electorate as the stupidest in the world, but know, I can tell you all, they have resumed their crown.

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So Brexit, and now Trump.

In both cases it is/was reported we were all apparently shocked, not going to vote them in and none of us can believe the outcome. Yet the majority of the UK and US populations have voted in this way.


Do you ever get the impression the press just has way too much sway these days in saying whatever they like? Either that or they no longer have their fingers on the right pulse of the public...

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What, like the prediction we could spend another £350 million a week on the NHS if we left the EU. Yes, you`re right, maybe people shouldn`t make predictions, particularly if they may affect the result of an important referendum. The latter having, in my opinion, an effect on the US presidency, which has resulted in us having a narcissistic egotistical populist as head of the most powerful country in the world.


One minor positive of Trump`s election. After the EU Referendum I no longer regarded the US electorate as the stupidest in the world, but know, I can tell you all, they have resumed their crown.


My bold=

Give it a rest now as the same line over and over is getting boring now.

I see you don't bring up the lies that the remain side told, you remainers need to look in the mirror= http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/matthew-ellery/leave-lies-remainers-need_b_12191462.html :rolleyes:

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What, like the prediction we could spend another £350 million a week on the NHS if we left the EU. Yes, you`re right, maybe people shouldn`t make predictions, particularly if they may affect the result of an important referendum. The latter having, in my opinion, an effect on the US presidency, which has resulted in us having a narcissistic egotistical populist as head of the most powerful country in the world.


One minor positive of Trump`s election. After the EU Referendum I no longer regarded the US electorate as the stupidest in the world, but know, I can tell you all, they have resumed their crown.


OMG he only won the populist vote by around 1%, that less than brexit, some on here will be calling for a re run. Oh its in American and they already seem to be accepting it

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