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How will the Trump presidency affect BREXIT ?

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I was reading an article in The Times the other day, the writer was a pro Brexiteer, and the point of the piece was to be as positive as possible about Trump`s presidency. many of his arguments were based around the fact that Trump has veered all over the place in his pronouncements, both what he said before running for the presidency and during the campaign (more of this "post truth" era) > so we`ve some reason to hope he won`t actually do most of what he said. However, he said the one area he`s been consistent about all along, was trade tariffs, and even the pro Brexit writer was worried about this.

Just when we`re leaving the biggest free trade area in the world !


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Personally I cannot believe that just when a narcissistic populist, who got the Presidency by promising to protect US jobs by introducing tariffs, is coming to power, the UK is, probably, leaving the biggest free trade area in the world. And there`s more, Trump has consistently said he`d cut back on the US involvement in NATO. During the Referendum campaign the Leave lobby were saying our security is based on NATO, not the EU. So what happens now ?


When he doesn't deliver on the lies: Clinton in jail on day 1, the wall etc, then there will be a backlash against him - the thing is that the US have an out in 5 years... they will not be premanently crippled in the way that the UK will be when Brexit happens - a brexit that occurred mainly because of the lies of the campaign.

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they will not be premanently crippled in the way that the UK will be when Brexit happens - a brexit that occurred mainly because of the lies of the campaign.


I thought it was because of the votes counted as lies were peddled by both sides.

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I thought it was because of the votes counted as lies were peddled by both sides.


If that was the case, the more believable lies must have been told

by the BREXIT candidates.

Edited by bazjea
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This morning Radio 4 was talking about "the special relationship" between the USA and Britain, they concluded, as is more or less the accepted wisdom, that it matters to us more than it does to America. This assumption that the British are bothered about a "special relationship" with the Americans rather annoyed me because I couldn`t give a toss either way. I`ve always felt we`ve more in common with our European neighbours than our rather brash cousins over the Atlantic. I feel even less attachment to them now they`ve voted Trump into office, in fact I don`t even want to be associated with the Americans any more. With Brexit of course, we`re suddenly like Billy no mates, trying to cosy up to anyone who may ne interested in us. It`s sickening.

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This morning Radio 4 was talking about "the special relationship" between the USA and Britain, they concluded, as is more or less the accepted wisdom, that it matters to us more than it does to America. This assumption that the British are bothered about a "special relationship" with the Americans rather annoyed me because I couldn`t give a toss either way. I`ve always felt we`ve more in common with our European neighbours than our rather brash cousins over the Atlantic. I feel even less attachment to them now they`ve voted Trump into office, in fact I don`t even want to be associated with the Americans any more. With Brexit of course, we`re suddenly like Billy no mates, trying to cosy up to anyone who may ne interested in us. It`s sickening.

We have a common language with America. Their legal system is based on the principles of English law. We watch a lot of American television programs including their News networks. About four million British people visit America each year. We share the same common values as Americans. Americans are great people.


How do know that if every EU country had a referendum, that many would not choose to do what the UK did, and vote to leave the EU ?

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He will probably make it worse. He'll make life a lot harder for so many different sections of society.

Women, who he disrespects.

The disabled, who he mocks.

Muslims, who he hates.

He will cosy up to Putin and the two of them will dictate to the middle east and start another cold war with Europe.


I hope he is assassinated!

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He will probably make it worse. He'll make life a lot harder for so many different sections of society.

Women, who he disrespects.

The disabled, who he mocks.

Muslims, who he hates.

He will cosy up to Putin and the two of them will dictate to the middle east and start another cold war with Europe.


I hope he is assassinated!

And do you think, that hoping Donald Trump is assassinated, makes you a better human being than him ?

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