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How will the Trump presidency affect BREXIT ?

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All manner of people disagree with you. Some are more educated, some less. Some are older and some younger. Some are more travelled and others less.

They have different opinions from you that's all.

Oh and throughout the west you know who travels less: The poor. If you think this invalidates their votes then you're not going to persuade many right minded people.


I never said being poor invalidated anyone`s vote.

I also never said that all older people voted leave, all working class and/or poorer people voted leave, all those who don`t do much travelling voted leave, etc etc.

I said those who fall into those categories were far more likely to have done so. The research, and my personal experience, backs that up.


I don`t think you`ll find many people who regard most Americans as outward looking internationalists.


---------- Post added 10-01-2017 at 09:21 ----------


The man [Trump] is a massive, orange baby! He can't even control his Twitter account, never mind the most powerful nation on earth!


Did you hear what he said about Meryl Streep on Twitter ? ! ?

She basically used her acceptance speech for some major award to plead for tolerance, understanding and respect. As far as was reported she didn`t even mention Trump by name. He responded by saying she was just an overrated actress and stuff. Technically he`s wrong on that anyway, but the gist of his comments were unbelievable. What he said was immature, showed he`s got a massive inferiority complex, and bears a grudge (I`ve heard that from many sources). I was appalled, because this man has been voted in by the American public ! What does that say about them ! ! A country we've got to suck up to now more than ever because we`ll no longer be in the EU for Gawd`s sake. This man is going to be the next US president, it`s still unbelievable to me.

Edited by Justin Smith
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I never said being poor invalidated anyone`s vote.

I also never said that all older people voted leave, all working class and/or poorer people voted leave, all those who don`t do much travelling voted leave, etc etc.

I said those who fall into those categories were far more likely to have done so. The research, and my personal experience, backs that up.


I don`t think you`ll find many people who regard most Americans as outward looking internationalists.


---------- Post added 10-01-2017 at 09:21 ----------



Did you hear what he said about Meryl Streep on Twitter ? ! ?

She basically used her acceptance speech for some major award to plead for tolerance, understanding and respect. As far as was reported she didn`t even mention Trump by name. He responded by saying she was just an overrated actress and stuff. Technically he`s wrong on that anyway, but the gist of his comments were unbelievable. What he said was immature, showed he`s got a massive inferiority complex, and bears a grudge (I`ve heard that from many sources). I was appalled, because this man has been voted in by the American public ! What does that say about them ! ! A country we've got to suck up to now more than ever. This man is going to be the next US president, it`s still unbelievable to me.


Have you also Pires Morgan defending him this morning? Aparantry he wasn't mocking the disabled reporter because he made the exact same gesture when mocking an able bodied person on another occasion!?

So....it's OK to mock the disabled when highlighting someone's ineptitude?


I find it unbelievable that the next POTUS can't even control his twitter account!

If 19 academy nominations and 3 wins makes Meryl Streep an over rated actress, what kind of a business man is Trump with his multiple bankruptcy claims?

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How will the Trump presidency affect BREXIT?



Donald Trump’s trade chief said ‘Brexit is God-given opportunity for Britain’s financial rivals'


'I recommend that Cyprus should adopt and immediately announce even more liberal financial service policies than it already has so that it can try to take advantage of the inevitable relocations that will occur during the period of confusion'


Donald Trump’s trade chief has urged Britain’s rivals to exploit the “God-given opportunity” of Brexit to take business away from the UK, it has been reported.


Wilbur Ross, the incoming US Commerce Secretary, said Britain was facing a "period of confusion" following the vote to leave the EU and that it was "inevitable" there would be "relocations", according to The Times.


He is said to have added that the UK's withdrawal from the EU was a "God-given opportunity" for financial rivals of the City of London, naming Frankfurt and Dublin in particular



LOL! :lol:

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When he doesn't deliver on the lies: Clinton in jail on day 1, the wall etc, then there will be a backlash against him - the thing is that the US have an out in 5 years... they will not be premanently crippled in the way that the UK will be when Brexit happens - a brexit that occurred mainly because of the lies of the campaign.
We actually have an out in four years, Please don't increase the agony. I'm wondering when the impeachment will come, but it is coming.
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We actually have an out in four years, Please don't increase the agony. I'm wondering when the impeachment will come, but it is coming.


I wonder if he'll make it to being sworn in;





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That's just wishful thinking.Maybe we should just let him have enough to let him get into an unobtainable position. That would shock all the "undesirables". I have to be careful here. They can find out my address. I was just born when old Adolf came iinto power, and look at what he did. I don't see a whole lot of difference here.


---------- Post added 11-01-2017 at 15:35 ----------


Is Pence any good?
I don't know anything about him. He certainly looks "clean cut" which is about as much as you can say about generic politicians. He's white, probably protestant, not good with foreign languages. wears a stars and stripes badge on his suit lapel. There by the grace of god and Donald's money. Other wise he doesn't say much, and leaves that to the garrulous Donald who tweets like no other President ever did before he was even sworn in. Edited by buck
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That's just wishful thinking.Maybe we should just let him have enough to let him get into an unobtainable position. That would shock all the "undesirables". I have to be careful here. They can find out my address. I was just born when old Adolf came iinto power, and look at what he did. I don't see a whole lot of difference here.


---------- Post added 11-01-2017 at 15:35 ----------


I don't know anything about him. He certainly looks "clean cut" whci is about as much as you can say about generic politicians. He's white, probably protestant, not good with foreign languages. wears a stars and stripes badge on his suit lapel. There by the grace of god and Donald's money. Other wise he doesn't say much, and leaves that to the garrulous Donald who tweets like no other President ever did before he was even sworn in.


I know you are half joking buck, but when an American citizen has to be wary about what he says, then we should all worry.

As the saying goes, 'When the USA sneezes, the world catches cold.'

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I know you are half joking buck, but when an American citizen has to be wary about what he says, then we should all worry.

As the saying goes, 'When the USA sneezes, the world catches cold.'

Much is spoken about how Americans don't know Geography outside their own hemisphere, or are not very worldly in general. We all drive around in gas guzzlers, using up the world's petroleum to the detriment of everybody else. We allow our cyclists to ride around without paying a penny, and don't even have to pay for a TV license. We're all god flakked, not like Sheffield's Army of atheists. But yet we manage to get along in general with each other, going to our church of choice or not at all, simply because its none of our business. I hope Brexit works out for you all, but its none of OUR business, right or wrong. What we did together between 1941 and 1945 was never equalled between two countries that fought each other in the late 18th and early 19th Centuries and turned us both into the greatest power for peace in the world. Think on.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, even in his inaugural address, traditionally all about unity, magnanimity and goodwill to all men, Trump`s rhetoric shows no signs of moderating. He`s still banging on about America First (note : that`s not America and Britain first), and trade tariffs to protect American jobs (note ; that`s not all countries except Britain). I think trade wars at their most likely in my lifetime. All this just as we`re going out on our own, out of the largest free trade area in the world, which, incidentally, will not be best disposed to us, not by a long chalk. And who can blame them ?


I cannot believe that even the hard core Brexiteers aren`t at least a little bit worried. Mind you, if they`re not, we should be even more worried, because under those circumstances I don`t think anything they say has any basis in reality. So we really should be worried, after all, this country is being run by them. Everything is Brexit related these days, can I remind you, Boris Johnson is Foreign Secretary......

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