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When will the political left change/learn?

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It still sounds like you think people who disagree with you shouldn't be allowed to vote.


Maybe so. So what? Everyone has an opinion and everyone else's stinks.


The problem would be if Kate became PM and enacted such a rule.


It was Churchill that said the best argument against democracy is to meet the average voter.

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For Michael_W's benefit, study after study demonstrates that immigration contributes more to the economy than it ever costs us.


That is a lie and everyone knows it. If taxi drivers, cafe workers, cleaners and nurses (whether an immigrant or a native) made enough money to make a net positive financial contribution then the Nation's coffers would be bursting at the seams and there would be no national debt. Any study that finds immigrants pay their share is nothing more than a disingenuous sham that insults our intelligence.


Your reply answers the OP's question though i.e. don't expect the liberal left to change/learn any time soon. You keep spouting lies that nobody believes. You keep labelling any dissenting voices as racist, xenophobic and bigoted. You keep telling yourself that you don't need to respect the views of unintelligent and uneducated people... especially if they are over 40 and white. You keep doing all these things because all it does is push people further away from your and your views. Just as the 'War on Terror' did the opposite of the policy intent, increasing the Islamic extremism problem, liberal zealots like yourself are driving the political shift to the right. I am pretty sure that without people like you campaigning for the opposite there would be no Brexit and no President Trump. The Liberal Left is in self-destruct mode and I am loving it... keep up the good work. :thumbsup:

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I'm going to post this and only this.




Some of you need to think about it very very hard


Should be compulsory viewing for all SF members... it might revitalise the boards and see a return of healthy debate, which has all but been killed off by the Liberal Elitists on here who think shutting down dissent voices is the same as winning an argument. Brexit and Trump prove otherwise.


More elections coming soon in France, Netherlands, Austria and Germany... how many do the Liberal Left need to lose before they start listening and compromising? Too many I think for them to recover and prevent a new right-wing era in the West.

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Conspiracy theorist alert. I suppose the illuminati intervened and made the authors of each and every study lie, and somehow stop the clever ones like you from actually publishing the truth... :roll:


There are reports that contradict your opinion and common sense dictates that controlled immigration is far better for society than uncontrolled immigration.

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There are reports that contradict your opinion and common sense dictates that controlled immigration is far better for society than uncontrolled immigration.


So if for example we could control immigration from Lancashire to Yorkshire, what benefits would we see?


What makes you think that France to UK is different to Lancashire to Yorkshire? It's just a question of perspective isn't it?


---------- Post added 11-11-2016 at 13:41 ----------


There are reports that contradict your opinion


I'd be happy to see these 'reports' though. I presume they're published in a reputable source?

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