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When will the political left change/learn?

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I just get so angry with people who vote for something without really understanding in anyway what they are voting for except soundbites from politicians they've picked up for the TV or papers. I'm starting to wonder if we should change the entire way we vote into you have to vote for the policies you support the most without party names and then that gets turned into a vote for the party of whom you align with the most closely. That would stop this pathetic voting for 'the same as my dad did and his dad before him' culture and also the people who would refuse to vote for party because of history.


Rant over.


That sounds like a very roundabout way of saying that you don't think anyone who disagrees with you should be entitled to a vote.

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Spot on penistone, as the OP, this thread has been taken on by the leftys as I thought it would you can literally write the thread before any replies have been posted. They just won't learn. This isn't a vote for white mans privilege this isn't a vote for racism and this isn't a vote for pro homophobic or sexist views as the leftys will have you believe, this is a vote against the globalised movement of people that the west just can't sustain while keeping living standards up for the already residing people, this is a vote against authoritarian liberals who constantly cry all the buzz words I mentioned in my OP.


The future is bright.


Ha ha ha,

If you think voting for whatever party is some how going to maintain the living standards of present by reducing immigration and doing that without Hurting the very capitalist method that helped create the living standards your wanting. Then you've some serious learning to do.


The current standards you enjoy come via an ever globalised world, immigration and the liberal leaning slant of the last few decades (arguably kicked of in the 60/70s) are what, when combined with global capitalisms access to cheap labour have all conspired to get us where we are.


You seem to be after a regressive step. Well you've a choice coming because the 'third world' countries have almost caught up and the west is heavily reliant on immigration, cheap offshore manufacturing and foreign investment. It's not the one way street it once was.

Your choice will be your stance or your living standards. You can't change something and expect things to stay the same.

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Nobody gives a toss about the working class whites as you call them, too many socialist politicians have concentrated their efforts on minority issues over the years both locally and internationally which itself has created the rise and popularity of Farage and Trump !


Despite the fact that the white working class don't really exist in those below about 50, this is largely nonsense. The vast majority of spending is on 'White working class' people it's just that the press and politicians are seeking to exploit anger across society by scapegoating immigrants or non-whites.

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That sounds like a very roundabout way of saying that you don't think anyone who disagrees with you should be entitled to a vote.


By Jove I think you've got it.

Vote for Trump or brexit, and you're a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic idiot, oh and a tool.

I bet the multi billionaire Trump's gutted that the sneering classes can't stand him. Or he might just say 'up yours'.

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By Jove I think you've got it.

Vote for Trump or brexit, and you're a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic idiot, oh and a tool.

I bet the multi billionaire Trump's gutted that the sneering classes can't stand him. Or he might just say 'up yours'.


I think if you're planning on keeping out people purely on religion and round up illegal immigrants en masses like stray dogs it makes you a bit racist and a bit of a xenophobe. But if that's what you want to do, don't wimp out and blame people for calling it how it is, embrace it. Grow a pair.

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And people who voted for Trump on the basis that he's on the side of the 'working man' wonder we think they are utter, utter tools.


If you voted for Trump because you believe in what he says and stands for then that's fine, that's clearly your prerogative, but the vote for him because you believe he gives 1 f**k about the poor neglected white man from the bible belt then there are no words.


Exactly the same about those who voted for Brexit. If you voted to leave the EU because you disagree with it's policies (and can actually name some), or what it stands for then again that's cool. We can just disagree and get on with our lives, but if you voted because you somehow think that leaving the EU will actually improve your life because of half-baked xenophobia and believing lies then you are indeed a tool.


I'm targeting Brexiters and Trump supporters solely as they won. The same is true of anyone who votes for anything without actually understanding what they are voting for. Supporting Hillary would have meant a acceptance of a ruling elite, exceptionally dubious usage of email, someone who almost blackmailed women who made allegations against her husband etc. She's not snow white in anyway and the choice was between crap and crapper.


I just get so angry with people who vote for something without really understanding in anyway what they are voting for except soundbites from politicians they've picked up for the TV or papers. I'm starting to wonder if we should change the entire way we vote into you have to vote for the policies you support the most without party names and then that gets turned into a vote for the party of whom you align with the most closely. That would stop this pathetic voting for 'the same as my dad did and his dad before him' culture and also the people who would refuse to vote for party because of history.


Rant over.


omg not the Simple and Unintelligent people card again

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I think if you're planning on keeping out people purely on religion and round up illegal immigrants en masses like stray dogs it makes you a bit racist and a bit of a xenophobe. But if that's what you want to do, don't wimp out and blame people for calling it how it is, embrace it. Grow a pair.

Got a pair, and big ones. I've been called all those things on here but never mind, I've been insulted by real men in the past, not just by people who spend every waking hour on forums bleating about other people's opinions, who are usually in the majority by the way.

I was merely pointing out to Randy how things work on here, I just didn't expect comments about my tackle, but to be expected I suppose, true to form.

Have a look at post 83 from someone who said on another thread he'd had 17 years on the dole.

Edited by gomgeg
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Got a pair, and big ones. I've been called all those things on here but never mind, I've been insulted by real men in the past, not just by people who spend every waking hour on forums bleating about other people's opinions, who are usually in the majority by the way.

I was merely pointing out to Randy how things work on here, I just didn't expect comments about my tackle, but to be expected I suppose, true to form.

Have a look at post 83 from someone who said on another thread he'd had 17 years on the dole.


Spectacular. Youve focused on the last 3 words and ignored the rest. Well done.


Ill give it another go though - if you don't want immigrants coming in, if you want to chase down and hound them out, if you want to keep out an entire religion based on teh actions of a few nutters, how would ou descibe that? Its alright saying "I'm not racist, xenophbic etc" - what are you? You arent a cuddly lefty, you arent establishment. Help me understand.

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