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When will the political left change/learn?

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omg not the Simple and Unintelligent people card again


OMG not the people can't read a sodding entire post card!


Do you want to try again and ACTUALLY READ THE SODDING POST?!?!?! The part where I'm saying its about people of all sides who vote without understanding what they are voting for. Or did you choose to just ignore that bit...oh you did didn't you.


So people who vote Labour because daddy did and granddaddy did, but can't name a single Labour policy as just as bad as those who voted to leave the EU because they don't like muslims. Do you get it now?


Force people to vote for POLICY not personality and we might get somewhere.


---------- Post added 10-11-2016 at 17:26 ----------


Spectacular. Youve focused on the last 3 words and ignored the rest. Well done.


Ill give it another go though - if you don't want immigrants coming in, if you want to chase down and hound them out, if you want to keep out an entire religion based on teh actions of a few nutters, how would ou descibe that? Its alright saying "I'm not racist, xenophbic etc" - what are you? You arent a cuddly lefty, you arent establishment. Help me understand.


And again they wonder we think them fools? This isn't about who you voted for, it's why you voted for them that matters.

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Got a pair, and big ones. I've been called all those things on here but never mind, I've been insulted by real men in the past, not just by people who spend every waking hour on forums bleating about other people's opinions, who are usually in the majority by the way.

I was merely pointing out to Randy how things work on here, I just didn't expect comments about my tackle, but to be expected I suppose, true to form.

Have a look at post 83 from someone who said on another thread he'd had 17 years on the dole.

18 ;)

but thats a different story

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OMG not the people can't read a sodding entire post card!


Do you want to try again and ACTUALLY READ THE SODDING POST?!?!?! The part where I'm saying its about people of all sides who vote without understanding what they are voting for. Or did you choose to just ignore that bit...oh you did didn't you.


So people who vote Labour because daddy did and granddaddy did, but can't name a single Labour policy as just as bad as those who voted to leave the EU because they don't like muslims. Do you get it now?


Force people to vote for POLICY not personality and we might get somewhere.


---------- Post added 10-11-2016 at 17:26 ----------



And again they wonder we think them fools? This isn't about who you voted for, it's why you voted for them that matters.

I'm targeting Brexiters and Trump supporters solely as they won[b)


why target the winning sides, it may help posters misunderstanding you.

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Tinfoilhat, you do strike me as one of the least authoritarian people imaginable, what on Earth could pretty_ big be on about? The Brexiters do seem to be turning into some horrible McCarthyite mob; threatening judges who have simply done what they are supposed to do, i.e. interpret the law, is very authoritarian.

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Tinfoilhat, you do strike me as one of the least authoritarian people imaginable, what on Earth could pretty_ big be on about? The Brexiters do seem to be turning into some horrible McCarthyite mob; threatening judges who have simply done what they are supposed to do, i.e. interpret the law, is very authoritarian.


Actually it could be pretty interesting if the referendum got over turned

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Tinfoilhat, you do strike me as one of the least authoritarian people imaginable, what on Earth could pretty_ big be on about? The Brexiters do seem to be turning into some horrible McCarthyite mob; threatening judges who have simply done what they are supposed to do, i.e. interpret the law, is very authoritarian.


I try not to be. This is where I need a bit of guidence. If you want to be hardline on immigration, not help refugees and not be a do-gooder and put white working class people first what do you want to be called? My definitions aren't very nice apparently but I'm keen to make friends where I can!

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I try not to be. This is where I need a bit of guidence. If you want to be hardline on immigration, not help refugees and not be a do-gooder and put white working class people first what do you want to be called? My definitions aren't very nice apparently but I'm keen to make friends where I can!


David Mitchell made me laugh recently, he wrote that being anti-immigration doesn't necessarily make you racist but if you wanted to take out insurance against yourself being racist, banging on about immigration all the time would definitely put your premiums up!

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Spectacular. Youve focused on the last 3 words and ignored the rest. Well done.


Ill give it another go though - if you don't want immigrants coming in, if you want to chase down and hound them out, if you want to keep out an entire religion based on teh actions of a few nutters, how would ou descibe that? Its alright saying "I'm not racist, xenophbic etc" - what are you? You arent a cuddly lefty, you arent establishment. Help me understand.

I'll tell you what I am.

I'm English, so I didn't vote in the US presidential election, I've also not said I would support Trump or Clinton, but that anyone supporting Trump is being vilified

I've also not said I'm against immigration.only benefit scroungers coming in, we've already got enough, you've now changed from illegal immigrants to immigrants, and yes I am against illegal immigrants. The clue is in the name.

I also worked for fifty years with less than three months in total on the dole between jobs I'd either left or been made redundant from. Never had housing or any of the other benefits immigrants are claiming. Plus when I was working I wouldn't have had time to come on here fantasising about how hard I work and how much I earn like some of the sneering classes on here who try to demean anyone who doesn't agree with them.

Also voted Labour from the mid sixties until it became clear where the country was going when Gordon Brown was PM. When I started voting UKIP for the reasons above.

I've also never insulted anyone on here unless it was in retaliation, when somebody has a go at me either verbally or physically l'll have a go back.

So you carry on with all the others from that side of the discussion, calling us fools and idiots, just remember you're in the minority.

It's taken me this long to reply because believe it or not I've got other things to do.

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