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When will the political left change/learn?

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Economically or socially? Tell that to the former residents of tower hamlets,darnall,pitsmoor and endless other areas that have been "ghettoised"

Face up to facts lefties your dream of a globalised world has come to a halt, hopefully France will go the same way as Brexit and trump and vote marine le pen in. Maybe Germany could do something similar also, its the only chance we have of saving the western world as we once knew it.


nazi comments are welcome but will be untrue.


The fact that you can see the parallels with the rise of nazi germany and that you feel you have to deny them means that they probably are very much true.

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Germany already tried it. Would you help round them up yourself in darnall and pitsmoor?


No I certainly wouldn't because that'd be against the law and echo nazi germany, I don't want nazi germany, I seem to get the impression that's what some of you think I and other brexiters and trump supporters want, maybe a small number want all non whites rounding up and kicking out but I don't I just want people born and that have had 2/3/4 plus generations living in this country to get more out of it than they currently do. I want the asylum system stopped temporarily while we throw every single illegal immigrant out and every criminal that's not from here out.

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No I certainly wouldn't because that'd be against the law and echo nazi germany, I don't want nazi germany, I seem to get the impression that's what some of you think I and other brexiters and trump supporters want, maybe a small number want all non whites rounding up and kicking out but I don't I just want people born and that have had 2/3/4 plus generations living in this country to get more out of it than they currently do. I want the asylum system stopped temporarily while we throw every single illegal immigrant out and every criminal that's not from here out.


So no to rounding up foreigners, but yes the rounding up those persecuted for their political/religious beliefs and escaping war. We granted 14000 or so asylum in 2014. 14000. I'm trying to find out how many were refused, but let's say another 14000. Is our country in such a state we can't cope these numbers? Do asylum seekers and those granted asylum create such huge problems? And why are bunching together asylum seekers and criminals? How many are criminals out of 14000?


Ignoring the fact we have a moral and legal obligation to offer asylum? I think you're reading the papers too much and believing every lie they through at you.

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So no to rounding up foreigners, but yes the rounding up those persecuted for their political/religious beliefs and escaping war. We granted 14000 or so asylum in 2014. 14000. I'm trying to find out how many were refused, but let's say another 14000. Is our country in such a state we can't cope these numbers? Do asylum seekers and those granted asylum create such huge problems? And why are bunching together asylum seekers and criminals? How many are criminals out of 14000?


Ignoring the fact we have a moral and legal obligation to offer asylum? I think you're reading the papers too much and believing every lie they through at you.


How long are our housing waiting lists ?


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 21:21 ----------


So if for example we could control immigration from Lancashire to Yorkshire, what benefits would we see?


What makes you think that France to UK is different to Lancashire to Yorkshire? It's just a question of perspective isn't it?


---------- Post added 11-11-2016 at 13:41 ----------



I'd be happy to see these 'reports' though. I presume they're published in a reputable source?


do you mean the migration of workers or immigration

Edited by phil752
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Do you think that when workers migrate they haven't immigrated?


---------- Post added 13-11-2016 at 19:08 ----------


No I certainly wouldn't because that'd be against the law and echo nazi germany, I don't want nazi germany, I seem to get the impression that's what some of you think I and other brexiters and trump supporters want, maybe a small number want all non whites rounding up and kicking out but I don't I just want people born and that have had 2/3/4 plus generations living in this country to get more out of it than they currently do. I want the asylum system stopped temporarily while we throw every single illegal immigrant out and every criminal that's not from here out.


You'd stop people who have fled wars that we helped to create from even applying to stay here? How inhumane are you exactly?

Obviously we can't throw out every illegal immigrant, by the nature of them being illegal they don't register and are difficult to find!

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So if for example we could control immigration from Lancashire to Yorkshire, what benefits would we see?


What makes you think that France to UK is different to Lancashire to Yorkshire? It's just a question of perspective isn't it?


---------- Post added 11-11-2016 at 13:41 ----------



I'd be happy to see these 'reports' though. I presume they're published in a reputable source?


Not sure what your point was do you mean like some one living in Manchester but working in Leeds

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No, I mean people moving from Lancaster to Yorkshire. What's difficult to understand about immigration between two areas of the country?


So what makes France to UK somehow fundamentally different than Sheffield to London, or any other intra UK movement?


What are the benefits of stopping free movement within the EU, and why do they apply to the EU, but not to county or city level within the UK? It's not a complex question.

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How do you know they didnt do their research,i did and still voted to leave because i believed it would be better for me.The fact that it might not be best for anybody else did not bother me,and still doesn't.Its a dog eat dog world out there.


Then that's fine. I really don't know how many times I have to spell it out, it's not about who your voted for, it's simply about knowing what and why you are voting.


Area51 if you did your research and are happy with what you voted for then that's clearly absolutely fine and dandy, both of us are lucky to live in a world where we can argue online, disagree and still go for a pint together afterwards without either of us being executed for treason. I might even buy ;)


---------- Post added 14-11-2016 at 10:08 ----------


How long are our housing waiting lists ?


Why is that the fault of someone who has had their entire life taken from them through simply living in the wrong country?


I'm not saying we should simply chuck open the doors without any controls, but to say that someone who just happened to be born here, with all the opportunities that in itself offers, somehow DESERVES a house or a secure life more than someone who had none of the opportunities we had and has now had everything they worked so hard for bombed out from underneath them, had rape threats, children trying to be forced into child soldiers etc, then I disagree.

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No, I mean people moving from Lancaster to Yorkshire. What's difficult to understand about immigration between two areas of the country?


So what makes France to UK somehow fundamentally different than Sheffield to London, or any other intra UK movement?


Its about the numbers. We do have high cost housing, and lack of social housing, if our politicians do not deal with the first problem, the next one down the line gets the attention.

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As far as the political left in this country goes, I don't think they can actually change; they are too absolutist. If you truly believe that every one of your ideas is right, then listening to the views of others who don't share them is in your own mind, pretty much a waste of time.


The left just tell people who disagree with them that they are wrong. Margaret Hodge, your archetypal posh leftie, once said "we must change people's minds" about immigration.


Whereas the right listens, or at least pretends to, as May is doing at the moment.

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