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When will the political left change/learn?

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I see parallels everywhere. It's inevitable when dealing with binary political choices. I just don't read much into them.


So, to clarify, you don't see any reason to connect that leave won because former industrial heartlands voted for a leave campaign based on the immigration debate and the Americans in the mid west have binned the democrats to vote for someone who wants to build a wall to keep Mexicans out and ban Muslims coming in?


You don't see any reason why somebody might mention the referendum when talking about the US election?

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So, to clarify, you don't see any reason to connect that leave won because former industrial heartlands voted for a leave campaign based on the immigration debate and the Americans in the mid west have binned the democrats to vote for someone who wants to build a wall to keep Mexicans out and ban Muslims coming in?


You don't see any reason why somebody might mention the referendum when talking about the US election?


It's a matter of degrees.

Everybody what's to make both votes about some kind of soft revolution and ignore the actual issues.

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It's a matter of degrees.

Everybody what's to make both votes about some kind of soft revolution and ignore the actual issues.


I think you'll find a significant number of both leave voters and trump voters will see both results as a soft revolution or at the very least the start of one.

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After the economic meltdown of 2008, many, many people have got poorer but a lot wiser.


They have found out just how the deck is stacked against them, amongst other things, and how the rich can get away with murder, while they have to pay. 'Criminal' behaviour has been rewarded, but hard work no longer is.


The gap between rich and poor has become very real and goes against people's innate sense of justice. I've been saying it since 2008, they should have jailed the bankers and cleaned their house while they still had chance. Now we have Trump, Brexit and heaven knows what next.


Do they get it yet?

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well the democrats threw Bernie sanders under the bus thus they were doomed with such a disliked figure as hillary


Agreed. You'll notice that for all the talk of anti-establishment sentiment around Trump and UKIP, it's only anti-centre/liberal establishment. Their supporters seem happy to vote for rich, establishment capitalist elites while seeing themselves as anti-establishment. Sanders was much more anti-establishment than Clinton and would probably have done a lot better. Interestingly, you only have to look at the vitriol heaped on Corbyn by establishment figures to see that he must also be anti-establishment but the UKIP types won't vote for him, so when they say they are anti-establishment I think they just mean that they are more right wing than the Tories.

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