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What is "The Establishment" ?

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There's a lot of talk, particularly in the light of the Brexit vote and the US election, about rejection of "The Establishment".

What is it? I'm really asking.

Some of the anti-establishment commentators on the forum hold such profoundly different views on basically everything, that I suspect it may mean radically different things to different people.


Further thoughts:

Traditionally it has meant the core of our civil society.



But it clearly doesn't mean that in modern parlance.

Edited by unbeliever
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For the past 30 or so years its the neo liberal globalist elite and their supporters in the mainstream media. They make up the core of all the main parties; they're neo liberal globalists first, and Coservatives/Labour/LibDem/Republican/Democrat second, hence why leading Republicans imply they'd rather support Hillary than Trump. Its because she's one of them and Trump isn't.

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I honestly don't think anyone really knows what 'the establishment' means except to justify their slightly extreme political views. That's on both the extreme left and right (economically and morally before we open that can of worms!)


That's rather disappointing if it's right.

So something along the lines of "people I disagree with in some kind of position of power", varying naturally depending on the politics of whoever is talking.

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