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How do you stop the queue jumping motorists ?

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Which junction is this? I can't picture it in my head.


Hi, the junction where you come off the Parkway before the ASDA turn off, where you go up & there is that new little fire station in the dip, you go around to the right & drop down to Coisley Hill roundabout

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The one that gets my goat is the Parkway Central retail park queue jumpers. The ones that shoot down the slip-road into their carpark and out the other end. Man I hate those people.


They are doing some building work in that retail park, not sure if it will change that road layout though.


I try to assume that anyone who pushes in or queue jumps has a valid reason for doing it, perhaps they have their pregnant wife in the car whose waters have broken etc. Helps me to not worry so much about it while I'm actually seething.

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I try to assume that anyone who pushes in or queue jumps has a valid reason for doing it, perhaps they have their pregnant wife in the car whose waters have broken etc. Helps me to not worry so much about it while I'm actually seething.


And council vehicles? It will help to keep your council tax down ;)

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When this section goes into 1 lane WHY??? do people leave massive gaps to the car in front making the queue behind longer for no reason :rant:


I suspect they like the 'power' of holding everyone behind up due to the solid white line :loopy:


On this particular road it doesn't matter, there's nowhere to go to, the traffic is always built up again toward the end. I think the people doing this more than likely just see no point in wasting fuel by accelerating to fill the gap. Or maybe just texting.

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The thing is if everyone takes that view then some people will always get ahead by taking advantage of others. !


Our entire society is based on people getting ahead by taking advantage of others. There are hugely rich people cutting the wages of their workers. The entire system of government is largely driven by the lobbying of wealthy business owners so that they can take advantage of people and get ahead. And you're getting upset because someone queue jumps? Open your eyes!

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