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How do you stop the queue jumping motorists ?

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What law was he breaking then....?


---------- Post added 18-11-2016 at 09:50 ----------



I'd have said dangerous driving by the Renault, or at the very least without due care and consideration.


I'd probably agree, although not because of his speed, but because he changed lanes when it was unsafe to do so. Merc had to chuck the anchors on.

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Would the obstructing of the highway law be able to be used in this case? The Renault isn't obstructing the highway as he's moving along at a safe speed for the ambient traffic conditions? He is driving at a reasonable speed and is not stopping the flow of the traffic.


I would say yes, the Renault is deliberately obstructing free passage of the car behind

If a person, without lawful authority or excuse, in any way wilfully obstructs the free passage along a highway he is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine
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Undertaking, the right lane is for overtaking , the left lane can only be used to overtake if traffic in the right lane in turning right or there are two or more lanes of slow moving traffic and the left lane is moving slightly faster than the right lane.


Useing the left lane to overtake is dangerous because a car in the right lane might have to switch lanes quickly and without warning.


---------- Post added 18-11-2016 at 10:12 ----------


Which law is that?



Dangerous driving itself is an offence, wilful obstruction is an offence. So that's two laws broken.


Yes it is, but it was still not illegal for the Renault driving to move back to the left lane, and then drive at a speed that matched the speed of the drivers in the right lane, it was illegal to attempt an undertake of the slow moving traffic and illegal to attempt an undertake by using the hard shoulder.


---------- Post added 18-11-2016 at 10:15 ----------



DO NOT overtake where you might come into conflict with other road users. For example


approaching or at a road junction on either side of the road

where the road narrows

when approaching a school crossing patrol

between the kerb and a bus or tram when it is at a stop

where traffic is queuing at junctions or road works

when you would force another road user to swerve or slow down

at a level crossing

when a road user is indicating right, even if you believe the signal should have been cancelled. Do not take a risk; wait for the signal to be cancelled

stay behind if you are following a cyclist approaching a roundabout or junction, and you intend to turn left

when a tram is standing at a kerbside tram stop and there is no clearly marked passing lane for other traffic.

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The traffic is moving in queues however. Undertaking is permitted, and that's not just my view but that of the ACPO and SYP's driver training unit where I had to qualify as a driver when I worked for them.


I've removed the section from the Highway Code because it's not law.

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Rule 267

Do not overtake unless you are sure it is safe and legal to do so. Overtake only on the right. You should


check your mirrors

take time to judge the speeds correctly

make sure that the lane you will be joining is sufficiently clear ahead and behind

take a quick sideways glance into the blind spot area to verify the position of a vehicle that may have disappeared from your view in the mirror

remember that traffic may be coming up behind you very quickly. Check all your mirrors carefully. Look out for motorcyclists. When it is safe to do so, signal in plenty of time, then move out

ensure you do not cut in on the vehicle you have overtaken

be especially careful at night and in poor visibility when it is harder to judge speed and distance.

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Undertaking, the right lane is for overtaking , the left lane can only be used to overtake if traffic in the right lane in turning right or there are two or more lanes of slow moving traffic and the left lane is moving slightly faster than the right lane.


Which is exactly what is happening here. The left lane is moving faster because there is no one in it, they are all idiots sat in the right lane terrified of merging properly. I put those people in the same class as middle lane motorway drivers, scared to change lanes due to poor driving ability.

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The traffic is moving in queues however. Undertaking is permitted, and that's not just my view but that of the ACPO and SYP's driver training unit where I had to qualify as a driver when I worked for them.


I've removed the section from the Highway Code because it's not law.


Yes I said that, but the video I posted wasn't two slow moving queues of traffic it was one slow moving queue of traffic and traffic unlawfully undertaking that slow moving queue of traffic.




Do not overtake on the left or move to a lane on your left to overtake. In congested conditions, where adjacent lanes of traffic are moving at similar speeds, traffic in left-hand lanes may sometimes be moving faster than traffic to the right. In these conditions you may keep up with the traffic in your lane even if this means passing traffic to your right. Do not weave in and out of lanes to overtake.

If you undertake other than in the circumstances described above on a motorway/dual carriage way, you could commit an offence.


---------- Post added 18-11-2016 at 10:24 ----------


Which is exactly what is happening here. The left lane is moving faster because there is no one in it, they are all idiots sat in the right lane terrified of merging properly. I put those people in the same class as middle lane motorway drivers, scared to change lanes due to poor driving ability.


Both lane have to be congested and moving slowly for that rule to apply.


---------- Post added 18-11-2016 at 10:29 ----------


Problem arise when bad drivers undertaking on the left are confronted by bad drivers in the right that don't want them to undertake. The initial problem is caused by the the bad drivers that undertake unlawfully and then try to squeeze into the safe gaps left by better drivers.

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Problem arise when bad drivers undertaking on the left are confronted by bad drivers in the right that don't want them to undertake. The initial problem is caused by the the bad drivers that undertake unlawfully and then try to squeeze into the safe gaps left by better drivers.


The initial problem is caused by drivers not using the available road space correctly..as in starting to queue half a mile before they need to..

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Would the obstructing of the highway law be able to be used in this case? The Renault isn't obstructing the highway as he's moving along at a safe speed for the ambient traffic conditions? He is driving at a reasonable speed and is not stopping the flow of the traffic.


In nearly every single example on this thread, the drivers who insist on queuing in the one lane are in the wrong and only have a since of injustice because someone seems to be getting one over on them. If they were driving correctly, in accordance with the highway code they would be queuing equally in both lanes meaning that no-one can gain an advantage as there would be no empty lane. There are some examples on here about people intentionally using the wrong lane approaching a junction to gain an advantage but that is actually illegal, unlike utilising all available lanes for queuing.


No because it would have been against the law for the Renault driver to undertake in those circumstance.


---------- Post added 18-11-2016 at 10:39 ----------


I'd probably agree, although not because of his speed, but because he changed lanes when it was unsafe to do so. Merc had to chuck the anchors on.


Any one of the cars in the right lane could encounter a problem with their car, in order to avoid blocking the flowing lane it would be necessary for them to mover to the left, this is why undertaking at speed is unlawful and considered dangerous.

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