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How do you stop the queue jumping motorists ?

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No because when you jump to the front every car is forced to slow to the point that the back car will stop, if you had some good manners and joined the back of the queue no one would stop and the queue would move faster.


How far back would you like to start the queue?


---------- Post added 18-11-2016 at 16:44 ----------


If there was two lanes of slow moving traffic I would stay in the lane I was in until such time that I knew which lane was closed, at that point I would merge with the open lane but without overtaking anyone already in that lane.


Genuine question..do you do much driving?

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How far back would you like to start the queue?


Its sometimes worst on the motorway. Vehicles queuing in the left lane, and then cars driving down the middle lane and nipping left and onto the slip road.

Going against the highway code, but generally safe, but resulting in a very long queue in the left lane, quite rare tho.

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But this just isn't right. I'm sorry but laws of physics and motion disagree with you.


If the queue is a mile long and rather than use 2 lanes everyone uses 1 and because the bottleneck is further on you end up doing an average speed of 10mph for 1 mile. If you used both lanes you would half the distance of the queue so you could do NSL (60mph assuming not a dual carriageway) for half a mile before having to do the 10mph making it quicker to queue in both lanes.


In a computer model I am sure you are right, but in the real world in which everyone is different and responds differently you will find that the back of the queue comes to a stand still.


---------- Post added 18-11-2016 at 18:28 ----------


Phantom traffic jams explained.



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It's interesting reading different interpretations of the Highway Code here. I can just imagine Obelix lording it over other motorists in his battered Land Rover and L00b darting about in his retro Miata. I can't quite imagine what Petminder drives though. Maybe a Messerschmitt?


Here's a fun fact. Messerschmitt is German for knife smith (i.e. knife maker). But Messer looks a bit like Messrs, the French plural for Mr. So I always think Mr Smith when I think of Messerschmitts.


Do you have a Messerschmitt Petminder?

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I think this guy explains all our frustration at people who don't understand the concept of merging in turn:




---------- Post added 18-11-2016 at 20:02 ----------


If we're getting down to youtube level of how to explain how to drive..



Good video which highlights how it should be done, but we are talking about queue jumpers, once the white van had pulled in there was still 100m before the cones, a queue jumper would have also pushed in front of the learner. If the black car driver had been an inconsiderate queue jumper they would have increased speed and pushed in front of the learner, the driving instructor would have then called them an ass instead of the driver of the red car.

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