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How do you stop the queue jumping motorists ?

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Then get in the right lane or is that too much effort ?


Depends on the circumstances, If I have been stuck behind someone dithering at junctions and lights etc I will go in the other lane then nip in front of them. It's definitely caused by frustration. Nothing worse than being sat in a queue late, lights turn green and the person at the front is looking at their phone or day dreaming and takes ages to set off then then lights turn red just as you get to the junction.


---------- Post added 11-11-2016 at 11:54 ----------


I think it`s fascinating you admit it, even seem to be proud of it. What I can`t understand is why, it seems, most people on here are quite happy about it.


Sorry it was childish really I was looking for a reaction I know you don't like Golfs and or people pushing in so thought I would bring the two together. I am normally a very laid back driver but sometimes frustration gets the better of me, as I am sure it does most of us.

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I regularly cheat all the traffic queues at Broomhill and Hunters Bar, getting to Dore from Crookes via Fulwood, Ringinglow then down Long Line. At what point OP, does queue jumping become a short cut? Do you have any handy rules?

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If you think thats bad try the M67 roundabout towards Motram, you queue on the M67 and get to the roundabout then some moron decides he doesn't want to queue and tries cutting in. ;)


I agree that`s really bad there :


You get loads of people doing that at the roundabout at the end of the M67, it`s very annoying because there`s nothing you can do about it, once they`re on the roundabout it`s their right of way to then push in front of everyone else. If that`s morally "right" then there`s something wrong with the morals of the world.


Some drivers are so soddin` arrogant and selfish, they seem to think their time is more valuable than everyone else`s.

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I agree that people do stuff in cars which they don`t do face to face, that`s one of the reasons the roads are quite often not a very pleasant place to be. What I`m interested in is the fact some people on here seem to be saying they accept with equanimity people doing stuff to them in a car which they wouldn`t accept face to face, that`s a different perspective.


Interested in a professional sense? I just explained that people feel immune in cars.


There is no breakdown in communication. It annoys lots of people at the time. But they don't care enough to post about it later.


It's a nice day, we just had a minute's silence to remember we are all alive because some others died for us. Life's grand.


Sorry your thread hasn't degenerated into foamy mouth outrage.

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Depends on the circumstances, If I have been stuck behind someone dithering at junctions and lights etc I will go in the other lane then nip in front of them. It's definitely caused by frustration. Nothing worse than being sat in a queue late, lights turn green and the person at the front is looking at their phone or day dreaming and takes ages to set off then then lights turn red just as you get to the junction.


---------- Post added 11-11-2016 at 11:54 ----------



Sorry it was childish really I was looking for a reaction I know you don't like Golfs and or people pushing in so thought I would bring the two together. I am normally a very laid back driver but sometimes frustration gets the better of me, as I am sure it does most of us.


Most drivers don't look more than 5 yards in front of their bonnet, if that. I was approaching a crossroads the other day, the light had just changed to red. I didn't hurtle up behind the car at the lights because I'd have effectivly been double parked - larger vehicles couldn't have got in between me and the van parked on double yellows on the other side of the road. The lights were red - I'm going nowhere. Clearly not good enough for the moron taxi driver who went past me with a look like I'd just murdered his family. He then blocked the road for the oncoming bus.


I was marginally annoyed but, really, life's too short.

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I regularly cheat all the traffic queues at Broomhill and Hunters Bar, getting to Dore from Crookes via Fulwood, Ringinglow then down Long Line. At what point OP, does queue jumping become a short cut? Do you have any handy rules?


I have said quite clearly it`s got to be to the same queue, specifically to a point the same side of the cause of the queue. If someone takes a route through the back streets* to bypass the junction causing the queue that`s a different thing. That said, you`ve then got a different problem, should people be using residential roads to do that ? Just round the back of our shop you get drivers using Dodd St to avoid the lights and driving (often quite fast) along a narrow residential street with cars parked ion both sides. Actually this is a bad example because it isn`t the lights which cause the queue, it`s the backlog from the left turn from Ripley St down Walkley Lane, so yes, in actual fact they are jumping the queue.

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Very much this and especially in Sheffield.


Yes obviously it does happen in other places, but in Sheffield you can get well over a half mile queue in one lane with the other totally empty.


It happens all the time on my way home up Halifax Road, when you get to Grenoside it merges to one lane. I can guarantee that drivers will queue only in the left lane and leave the right one (which isn't a right turn lane) empty, and then they get face on when I try and merge into the queue from the right lane.

My partner was told by a police officer that the drivers in the left lane who refuse to let the other cars merge are actually classed as committing road rage. You should give way to vehicles on the right.


OP, you can't control what other people do, just leave them to it, stressing about it only hurts yourself and a stressed driver is not a good driver.

The only people who annoy me when driving are those who don't indicate and people who try to force their way out of give way junctions.

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Sorry, I`m a bit surprised here, can we just confirm we haven`t had a breakdown in communication.

Are we saying it`s fine if drivers jump the queue ?


Sometimes the highway code will tell you not to queue, if there is another lane available.

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Let`s be clear what we mean here. If a driver leaves a queue, drives off all round the back streets, then rejoins the same queue, and at the same side of the junction causing the hold up, they`ve just jumped the queue. It really annoys me when I see this for two reasons. The first is that they have just jumped the queue and that is enough on its own to wind me up. But the second reason is they`ve just taken advantage of the goodwill of another motorist (who has let them in further on) to do so. The pernicious effect of this is each time I see this happening it, makes me a little less willing to let other drivers in.


What can be done to stop it ?


Are there any no here who are willing to try and argue black is white and the drivers concerned aren`t actually doing anything wrong ?


The worst example this morning in fact. A white Fiat 500 gets let out turning right onto Middlewood Rd from from Crofton Ave, then almost immediately turns left down Dudley Rd. Then immediately turns right along that narrow little car parking road, drives to the front and cheekily pulls out (actually gets let out....) again onto Middlewood Rd, having gained about 10 car lengths ! It was the most blatant piece of queue jumping I`ve ever seen ! The moral of this story : never let a white Fiat 500 out of the little road next to Asda !

To those who don`t mind, I pose this question :

Are we saying it`s fine if drivers jump the queue ?

Further, are we saying you wouldn`t mind if they jumped the traffic queue in front of you ? Can we then take that one stage further, would you mind if, say, someone pushed in front of you in the Supermarket queue ? If you would mind that, what`s the difference ?


This is a classic example of a First World Problem. How does poor Justin sleep at night with all this queue jumping going on?

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I think people like to queue.


When a 2 lane road merges into 1 lane, people just seem to want to queue, single file, for miles.

Please just merge at the point of the lane narrowing, not miles back.


This. Please just do this. And as for the clueless twunts who actively stop people driving along the empty road to the head of the queue, or refuse to let them merge in turn, theres a special place in hell for you which hopefully is implaled on a the bumper of a lorry.

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