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How do you stop the queue jumping motorists ?

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Thats nothing, the other day i was queuing at a junction to enter onto the main road and to left, so i was on the leftish side of the road, and the white van man behind me drove straight up to the front on the right side of our road, as if he was going to turn right, but when there was a break in the traffic, he pulled out and turned left trying to force his way in...a collision nearly occurred. and after much shouting he then threatened to beat me up and ordered me to pull over, that is the type of person that you should get angry with

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This. Please just do this. And as for the clueless twunts who actively stop people driving along the empty road to the head of the queue, or refuse to let them merge in turn, theres a special place in hell for you which hopefully is implaled on a the bumper of a lorry.


More often than not, it's a lorry that decides to block both lanes in such a situation.

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I regularly cheat all the traffic queues at Broomhill and Hunters Bar, getting to Dore from Crookes via Fulwood, Ringinglow then down Long Line. At what point OP, does queue jumping become a short cut? Do you have any handy rules?


is the alcocopter not operational.???

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My partner was told by a police officer that the drivers in the left lane who refuse to let the other cars merge are actually classed as committing road rage. You should give way to vehicles on the right.


You're not supposed to 'give way' it's merge in turn.


So one car from the left one car from the right, you each take a turn to merge (merge in turn)


---------- Post added 11-11-2016 at 13:04 ----------


Thats nothing, the other day i was queuing at a junction to enter onto the main road and to left, so i was on the leftish side of the road, and the white van man behind me drove straight up to the front on the right side of our road, as if he was going to turn right, but when there was a break in the traffic, he pulled out and turned left trying to force his way in...a collision nearly occurred. and after much shouting he then threatened to beat me up and ordered me to pull over, that is the type of person that you should get angry with


Barnsley Road junction by the Northern General is great for that sort of stuff, people will go screaming up the outside (right turn only) and attempt to cut in at the last moment.


Several nasty crashes have happened there because of dangerous drivers.

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It happens all the time on my way home up Halifax Road, when you get to Grenoside it merges to one lane. I can guarantee that drivers will queue only in the left lane and leave the right one (which isn't a right turn lane) empty, and then they get face on when I try and merge into the queue from the right lane.

My partner was told by a police officer that the drivers in the left lane who refuse to let the other cars merge are actually classed as committing road rage. You should give way to vehicles on the right.


OP, you can't control what other people do, just leave them to it, stressing about it only hurts yourself and a stressed driver is not a good driver.

The only people who annoy me when driving are those who don't indicate and people who try to force their way out of give way junctions.


It depends on the road layout and arrows on the road surface.


The fact is that the determining factor of capacity on a two lanes to one merge is the single section, not the dual carriageway before it. In fact the determining capacity of a road where it merges into one (and there`s no queue on the other side) is slowing down at the bottleneck. If everyone got in the lane earlier not right at the merge point (so no car would have to stop) then the capacity of the bottleneck would increase. I see this all the time when trucks take the initiative and drive in the outside line at the same speed as the inside lane. What always happens, is the traffic starts moving more smoothly through the merge point and therefore quickly. The only people who lose out are drivers who want to drive right to the front and cut in, they can`t because there`s an artic in front stopping them.

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If everyone used both lanes as they should then the queue would be half as long and it wouldn't be impacting junctions further back and adding to the congestion. It's almost certainly not the merge in turn that is causing the bottleneck either is it, it's whatever junctions come after the merge.

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You're not supposed to 'give way' it's merge in turn.


So one car from the left one car from the right, you each take a turn to merge (merge in turn).


I always merge in turn, but at the point where it becomes obvious there a lane closing. At that point I will let a vehicle in, but, assuming there`s queue in the inside lane, I do not let another vehicle in right at the front because that affects the capacity of the road merge. These merging road junctions work best if traffic is moving smoothly (albeit slowly) through them, never actually stopping. In addition, and one cannot escape this, it also means that vehicle will have jumped the queue in a big big way.


---------- Post added 11-11-2016 at 13:38 ----------


If everyone used both lanes as they should then the queue would be half as long and it wouldn't be impacting junctions further back and adding to the congestion. It's almost certainly not the merge in turn that is causing the bottleneck either is it, it's whatever junctions come after the merge.


I agree that only queuing in one lane past an earlier junction requires a different approach, particularly if there`s another junction that some of the traffic might be wanting to use to get off the road before the merge point. That doesn`t usually apply on motorways though, not unless the queue stretches back past a junction.


---------- Post added 11-11-2016 at 13:39 ----------


Thats nothing, the other day i was queuing at a junction to enter onto the main road and to left, so i was on the leftish side of the road, and the white van man behind me drove straight up to the front on the right side of our road, as if he was going to turn right, but when there was a break in the traffic, he pulled out and turned left trying to force his way in...a collision nearly occurred. and after much shouting he then threatened to beat me up and ordered me to pull over, that is the type of person that you should get angry with


That is the type of person who shouldn`t even be on the road at all. Aggression and driving don`t go together at all well.

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So you waste hundreds of metres of perfectly good tarmac and make a queue longer than it should be, possibly impacting on junctions behind you.

On a motorway (which is not a permanent merge in turn obviously), the cones are put out at a specific place. If you merge 800 metres early then you are contributing to congestion, not helping.

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is the alcocopter not operational.???


It is, but the Alcocopter™'s really designed for flight to be honest. Driving it along the road on it's three somewhat spindly wheels is quite a problem, and not forgetting that the propulsion is generated by two dirty great big blades spinning round and round and round at 35,000 rpm! This obviously presents something in the form of a potential hazard to unobservant pedestrians not wearing hard-hats within a ten metre diameter of the mighty Perkins Diesel crankshaft … and anything else in aforesaid airspace over five foot tall (1524mm for the foreigners) come to think of it.

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Prince of Wales to Firth Park is a particular favourite of mine, firstly on PoW as you leave the roundabout towards Darnall the two lanes eventually merge just after a speed camera so you have the crocks who speed down the empty right hand lane the brake and cut in just before the camera, then continuing towards the arena many many speedsters going down the right hand lane and cutting in as it becomes right turn only in to Centretainment, then on to the piece de resistance the arena square roundabout where half of the people who wish to go left then right on to Hawke street then on to Upwell street are incapable of knowing the correct lane and so when the left hand lane becomes left turn only they furiously try to push in and if they can't they enter the roundabout in the left hand lane and just cut across, meanwhile the two straight ahead lanes merge quite quickly on Upwell St so the speedsters and taxi drivers who have chosen the emptier right hand lane are then merging from your right. Then on to fir vale the park anywhere pull out anytime cross without looking capital of Sheffield, then to Firth Park and breathe.

I do my best to just keep pace with people trying to cut in, watch out for me I drive a white Fiat 500.

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