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How do you stop the queue jumping motorists ?

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I never 'force' my way in, I'm just observant, and find an opportunity to merge when I can without slowing anyone down.

And it's not a wide lane which narrows, it's a dual carriageway which turns into a single carriageway. People always start queueing in the left lane a long way back from the bottleneck.

I would treat a police officer driving the same as any other person, unless they're on an emergency call, and then I get outta their way :)

Conversely, what would you do if the police car was the 'offending' vehicle in the outside lane, and wasn't Indicating?

Edited by Isabelle
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The bend after the woods where the first advisory sign is, used to have an adverse camber (sloping down to the right as you leave the woods), making it unsafe to go too fast round it. Since the road was improved and dropped from 60 to 50mph, and the camber altered to the correct way, it is quite safe to take it at 50mph in dry conditions.


Funnily enough, I often find the stream of traffic I'm in will go along quite happily at 40-ish on the straight stretch will speed up to 50mph to go round the bad bends before the garage....


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 12:02 ----------


The dual carriageway finishes at the lights. You then have a stretch of road that is wide. then narrows down.


I very much doubt that the situation of having a police car in the outside without lights/siren will ever arise because they have to be seen to be driving in a safe manner.

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In heavy traffic the cars in the inside lane are not moving due to being held up at the Grenoside traffic lights. If a car comes past a line of traffic to force their way in, it is they who are driving badly by driving alongside a queueing car when it is obvious that there is nowhere for them to go without forcing the other driver to give way.


I could be tempted to let them in if they indicated that they wanted to to move into my lane - but in 12 years of travelling on this road I can honestly say that up to now, I have seen a car indicate on one occasion only.


The mistake you are making is assuming it is your lane.

When two lanes merge into one the resulting single lane is not anybodies.

Both approaching drivers have equal rights to the lane and as such should merge in turn.


It is not the fault of the driver in the right hand lane that you have sat in a queue for half a mile, that is your choice.

If both lanes were used equally the queue would be half the size, as you said everyone is waiting to get through the traffic lights at Grenoside cross-roads..


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 12:52 ----------


Some sections of that road have advisory signs of 40mph and 35mph, the corners aren't always safe to drive at 50mph, especially if weather is bad or for inexperienced drivers. I've also had drivers pull out in front of me dangerously near the garage (twice in one day, and the car has driving lights), forcing me to brake sharply.


That particular bend is pretty bad, water runoff from the woods makes it really slick, and being so close to a garage there's always a few dribbles of diesel thrown into the mix to make it worse.

Edited by geared
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Let`s be clear what we mean here. If a driver leaves a queue, drives off all round the back streets, then rejoins the same queue, and at the same side of the junction causing the hold up, they`ve just jumped the queue. It really annoys me when I see this for two reasons. The first is that they have just jumped the queue and that is enough on its own to wind me up. But the second reason is they`ve just taken advantage of the goodwill of another motorist (who has let them in further on) to do so. The pernicious effect of this is each time I see this happening it, makes me a little less willing to let other drivers in.


What can be done to stop it ?


Are there any no here who are willing to try and argue black is white and the drivers concerned aren`t actually doing anything wrong ?

First of all you'd have to assert and explain what they are doing wrong. There's no laws being broken, if somebody needs to speed up their journey and they're willing to take a detour to get ahead, what are they actually doing wrong?



A classic, and particularly blatant, example occurred this morning. A white Fiat 500 gets let out turning right onto Middlewood Rd from from Crofton Ave, then almost immediately turns left down Dudley Rd. Then immediately turns right along that narrow little car parking road, drives to the front and cheekily pulls out (actually gets let out....) again onto Middlewood Rd, having gained about 10 car lengths ! It was the most blatant piece of queue jumping I`ve ever seen !

More common are the cars which use Penistone Old Rd (past the old Prestos) to jump the peak time queue along the main dual carriageway. That`s why, if I`m using that little one way system outside Burrows, I never let a car in which has come along the old road.


To those who don`t mind this queue jumping, I pose this question :

Are we saying it`s fine if drivers jump the queue ?

Further, are you saying you wouldn`t mind if they jumped the traffic queue in front of you ? Can we then take that one stage further, would you mind if, say, someone pushed in front of you in the Supermarket queue ? If you would mind that, what`s the difference ?

I'm not really familiar with that road or the traffic situation so I can't really answer your question

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I think people like to queue.


When a 2 lane road merges into 1 lane, people just seem to want to queue, single file, for miles.

Please just merge at the point of the lane narrowing, not miles back.


This is a common but very odd phenomena, I'm one of the people who will use the empty right lane if people are (quite bizarrely) queuing in the left lane. On occasion you get some angry queuer who will break ranks and drive straddling the lanes or completely in the right lane but at the speed of the left, so as to block the right lane.

It's as though some people don't know it's an offence to wilfully obstruct the highway.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 13:29 ----------


It's down to the fact that most people believe in waiting their turn to get to the road ahead, but some drivers seem to believe that they are too important to have to wait their turn, and so they shouldn't have to queue to get there.


It doesn't really matter what people believe, all that matters (on the roads) is what's legal and safe.

On my way home there's regularly a massive queue in the left lane leading up to a roundabout (because of people wanting to exit left on the roundabout) I have to go across the roundabout (this requires the left lane) but every day I drive down the empty right lane and circle fully round the roundabout before exiting.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 13:36 ----------


i quite like it when a Hgvs slows the queue jumper down by blocking the out side lane, its amazing how fast the inside lane moves.


It's also illegal

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It's down to the fact that most people believe in waiting their turn to get to the road ahead, but some drivers seem to believe that they are too important to have to wait their turn, and so they shouldn't have to queue to get there.


We're still queueing, but at the merge point, instead of leaving a lane empty pointlessly :)


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 13:45 ----------


This is a common but very odd phenomena, I'm one of the people who will use the empty right lane if people are (quite bizarrely) queuing in the left lane. On occasion you get some angry queuer who will break ranks and drive straddling the lanes or completely in the right lane but at the speed of the left, so as to block the right lane.

It's as though some people don't know it's an offence to wilfully obstruct the highway.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 13:29 ----------



It doesn't really matter what people believe, all that matters (on the roads) is what's legal and safe.

On my way home there's regularly a massive queue in the left lane leading up to a roundabout (because of people wanting to exit left on the roundabout) I have to go across the roundabout (this requires the left lane) but every day I drive down the empty right lane and circle fully round the roundabout before exiting.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 13:36 ----------



It's also illegal


Don't tell everyone about the roundabout thing, or they'll all start doing it! Although I suppose it wouldn't make any difference to the traffic overall, if you think about the bigger picture, it's just spreading it out.

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At the top of Halifax road on your out towards Grenoside the two lanes merge into one. When I'm in the left lane I DO NOT allow in those jokers that come tearing up from behind and attempt to cut in front of me.


Do you let people in who use the right lane correctly, at a safe speed though?

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