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Urgh little black doggy gift bags

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Can anyone explain why some dog owners are happy to clear up their dog's mess, but rather than dispose of it properly, think it's OK to hang it up on a hedge or tree branch? On the hedge at the edge of our property there are no less than 6 poop bags. It's disgusting.

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It's the worst of all worlds really isn't it? Poo left where it was originally will at least biodegrade, but by the time it's shut inside a plastic bag it's going to hang around as long as the plastic film holds up.


I do, on occasion, pick up Molly's poo and leave it by the side of the path if we're on a walk which would mean going backwards a significant distance to get to the poo bin, then I collect it on the way back in the opposite direction, but that's not the same thing as collecting poo, carefully bagging it and then abandoning it somewhere silly.


I wonder how people would answer the question of why they are doing it if you were to catch them at it and ask.

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Can anyone explain why some dog owners are happy to clear up their dog's mess, but rather than dispose of it properly, think it's OK to hang it up on a hedge or tree branch? On the hedge at the edge of our property there are no less than 6 poop bags. It's disgusting.

No sorry, can't explain the actions of a lot of people.... mindboggling :confused:

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I also have a problem with "scooping the poop" - sometimes my dogs poo is not (Im trying to be tactful here!) very solid. This doesnt happen often, so Im not unduly woried about his general health) I try desparately to clear it away, but sometimes (and Im ashamed to admit this) I have to leave it as its not physically possible to clear it away (if you get my gist!)


Other that carrying around a brush and disinfectant, does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can deal with this?

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I also have a problem with "scooping the poop" - sometimes my dogs poo is not (Im trying to be tactful here!) very solid. This doesnt happen often, so Im not unduly woried about his general health) I try desparately to clear it away, but sometimes (and Im ashamed to admit this) I have to leave it as its not physically possible to clear it away (if you get my gist!)


Other that carrying around a brush and disinfectant, does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can deal with this?


Cover it with a bit of sand? However it would mean you having to go fully equipped for a simple dog walk!

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As a dog owner i didn't know this happend,i bin our dogs or bring it home and bin it here,why would anyone clean up then dump the bag ?? only thing i can think of is if someone picks up when people are around to look responsible then get rid off the bag as soon as they have gone.Gobsmacking situation which tars us all with the same brush.

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I also have a problem with "scooping the poop" - sometimes my dogs poo is not (Im trying to be tactful here!) very solid. This doesnt happen often, so Im not unduly woried about his general health) I try desparately to clear it away, but sometimes (and Im ashamed to admit this) I have to leave it as its not physically possible to clear it away (if you get my gist!)


Other that carrying around a brush and disinfectant, does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can deal with this?


Take a trowel with you and sort of, dig up a bit of the ground?


Depends where your dog poops though, obviously no good if he goes on the tarmac!


Sometimes my dogs poop is a little wet but she only goes in bushes so I just scoop up the ground/leaves/grass with it.

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