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50 mps going to vote no to article 50

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You all told people to ignore it because everything in the remain campaign was scaremongering. Remember?


Now you interpret it as solid policy.




Do calm down. That video highlights the fact that the PM did actually say something about leaving the single market, which puts paid to the theories floating about on this thread that it wasn't ever mentioned.


It could well have been scaremongering amongst all the rest of it, but at least he actually said it.

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Good link, it puts the question of what the leaders of the remain campaign perhaps intended. Here's the problem though for the leavers.


The referendum was always clearly not actually binding on the Government, - it was stated as such, although I think its fair to say that most didn't think MP's would dare defy the result. But then that is the difference between believing something and it actually being correct. Because the referendum was not binding it doesn't prevent the government from negotiating a deal if the government wants to, it doesn't stop the government from saying sod off we're not doing it, -if they dare. People in the Leave side of the vote have continued to believe what they want to believe, because the politicians involved have looked to curry favour with the electorate by telling them what they want to hear all through this campaign, just as they always do.


The only people who seem to have really know and understood what they were actually voting for are those who voted to remain, those that voted leave have for the most part simply believed what they were told by people manipulating them to pursue their own agenda, even when its been explained to them at great length.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 20:40 ----------



Was Nigel Farrage part of the leave campaign? Leading it? or setting its agenda?


Yes the government could reject the will of the majority and do what ever they wants, I don't think it would be a wise move though. When government rejects the will of the people, the people revolt and vote for someone like Trump.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 21:11 ----------



The only people who seem to have really know and understood what they were actually voting for are those who voted to remain, those that voted leave have for the most part simply believed what they were told by people manipulating them to pursue their own agenda, even when its been explained to them at great length.


I know remain voters that thought they were voting for EU reform and some that only voted remain because they believed the scaremongering of the remain side.

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Which would be best.


1.. Staying in the EU and having a seat at the table,


2.. Giving up that seat but still paying and abiding by the rules they impose.


3Leave the corrupt EU, give up the seat at the table, and pay them bugger all. and make ALL our own laws. That would be the best.



My bold.



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Was Nigel Farrage part of the leave campaign? Leading it? or setting its agenda?


Surely you can't have missed hearing his views over the years.


Many people expressed views, but whos views were you asked to vote for? What was Nigel Farrage's actual official relationship to the campaign? Were leavers actually promised that they would get what Nigel said they would, or is that just what many leavers chose to believe?


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 23:27 ----------


@Fogey Best thing is there should be no more referendums. We're all too thick to pick the right box to tick.


Any idiot can tick any box, the question is whether or not you know and understand why you should tick the box you choose.

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Was Nigel Farrage part of the leave campaign? Leading it? or setting its agenda?


Surely you can't have missed hearing his views over the years.


Farrage was not part of the official leave campaign. He had his own. Leave.eu I think.

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@Fogey Best thing is there should be no more referendums. We're all too thick to pick the right box to tick.


No different in the general election though, so referendums do address smaller issues, if the question is worded correctly.

If the question is clear, it could be legally binding.

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Just proves that MP`s have utter contempt for the voting public. Lets hope all these 50 lose their seats and cushy income and perks at the next election.


hmm, I don't think I agree with this Penistone999.


If you were the MP for Penistone, and campaigned on the brexit side, and your constituents voted brexit... then your party said you have to vote against your own views and the views of the people who voted for you, for the sake of the party... would you go against this and vote the other way in parliament?


I doubt you would. I've read your posts, this isn't what you'd do.





(personally I wouldn't, I'd choose abstain, or quit)


I suspect that 50 is about the right number of people who fit into this category, so they HAVE to vote against it. (it still won't make any difference to the overall vote)

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hmm, I don't think I agree with this Penistone999.


If you were the MP for Penistone, and campaigned on the brexit side, and your constituents voted brexit... then your party said you have to vote against your own views and the views of the people who voted for you, for the sake of the party... would you go against this and vote the other way in parliament?


I doubt you would. I've read your posts, this isn't what you'd do.





(personally I wouldn't, I'd choose abstain, or quit)


I suspect that 50 is about the right number of people who fit into this category, so they HAVE to vote against it. (it still won't make any difference to the overall vote)


To be honest if it came to a straight vote in or out as show of confidences or not in the government, id bet most labour MPs would be abstainer.

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