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50 mps going to vote no to article 50

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Do the MP's that vote to block the Article 50 vote against the publics wish on Brexit think they will get in at the next election?


We need a general election and then whichever parties wish to clear up this brexit mess can tell us how they intend to do it. Then whichever of those parties gets into power has a mandate to do what they said they were going to do. At present no party has that mandate and so I agree parliament doesn't really have the authority to vote on the invoking of article 50.

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Yes pretty worrying. There's an indication that westminster is swamped with all the work related to brexit already and we're only just starting.


I was worried at how they're going to pay for all those staff. We'll just have to take it out of the £350 million that goes to the EU each week. Hope the NHS doesn't mind getting a bit less!

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