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50 mps going to vote no to article 50

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Asaw was making the point ,I think, that any MP who opposed article 50 wouldn't get re-elected...I don't think the margin in the referendum was big enough to guarantee that...


No but about two thirds MPs are in constituencies with a strong brexit majority.

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There is leave and stay in, you want us to stay in, pay for and abide by all the EU rules but without us having a say in making those rules.


I do kinda agree with you on this. We either leave completely including the single market and start over with our own laws, trade deals etc, or we stay in. If we leave then there will likely be horrendous short-term financial problems but there is the potential for us to come out the other end in a much stronger position. If we try to half stay in the EU then we just end up prolonging the pain.


I did not and still do not support leaving the EU, but the votes are in so we've got to do. Let's sever the ties quickly and cleanly and then look to the future and see what we can achieve without the supposed bureaucracy of the EU.

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I do kinda agree with you on this. We either leave completely including the single market and start over with our own laws, trade deals etc, or we stay in. If we leave then there will likely be horrendous short-term financial problems but there is the potential for us to come out the other end in a much stronger position. If we try to half stay in the EU then we just end up prolonging the pain.


I did not and still do not support leaving the EU, but the votes are in so we've got to do. Let's sever the ties quickly and cleanly and then look to the future and see what we can achieve without the supposed bureaucracy of the EU.


Now we just have to get the rest of the remain supporters to show the same respect for democracy that you just have.

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Now we just have to get the rest of the remain supporters to show the same respect for democracy that you just have.


Perhaps we could see the same from the Brexiters who seem determined to shut up nearly half the country despite having yapped themselves for 40 years....

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Yes pretty worrying. There's an indication that westminster is swamped with all the work related to brexit already and we're only just starting.


It was always know and predicted that would happen so look on the good side, its creating employment.


On another note, 2 other articles tody:







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Perhaps we could see the same from the Brexiters who seem determined to shut up nearly half the country despite having yapped themselves for 40 years....


I would have shut up if I'd lost the vote.

But yes dissenting voices should be heard despite the result. I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. But it is, in my view, dishonest to suggest that proposals which amount to Brexit in name only would be honouring the referendum result.

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