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50 mps going to vote no to article 50

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Brexiter here, and sick of hearing about it now. Stay or leave, I don't really care anymore.


I'm feeling pretty much the same and I'm a remainer. All we are doing is ripping our own country apart. Vote was held, lies were told on both sides, result was to leave, so let's please just quickly agree what that means in practice and bloody do it! This uncertainty is the real cause of the current problem financially, once we know what the future will look like businesses and people can start working how to make the best of it, until then everyone is guessing and speculating.

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It's a waste because you don't like the result?


Let's be clear. May is probably using polling to determine priorities in policy. Immigration is an important factor for sure, something that has been highlighted by polling and she is right to address it.


It seems that Merkel is softening her stance on free movement and there could be an olive branch on that issue. It could be that May gets concessions on that and can achieve an economically viable exit plan and address the key concern of many people.


As a form of soft Brexit I'd be happy with that: effective single market membership and free movement curtailed.

That is hilarious coming from a professional sore loser, who didn't like the result of a real poll, called the EU referendum. I am happy for you, if you like the result of the poll you mention and also I am happy for you, if you still believe in Father Christmas. :)


I love the result of your poll :) and I am looking forward to the UK leaving the EU. :thumbsup:

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I'm feeling pretty much the same and I'm a remainer. All we are doing is ripping our own country apart. Vote was held, lies were told on both sides, result was to leave, so let's please just quickly agree what that means in practice and bloody do it! This uncertainty is the real cause of the current problem financially, once we know what the future will look like businesses and people can start working how to make the best of it, until then everyone is guessing and speculating.


I actually feel the same and I lay the blame at the remainers who bought the recent court case in regards to article 50.

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Do the MP's that vote to block the Article 50 vote against the publics wish on Brexit think they will get in at the next election?


Well, given the 16+ million people who voted to remain and taking the average constituency size, we should have roughly 243 MP's opposed. That still leaves a majority in favour, unless some have now changed their minds.

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Well, given the 16+ million people who voted to remain and taking the average constituency size, we should have roughly 243 MP's opposed. That still leaves a majority in favour, unless some have now changed their minds.


If your right, they just wont have the bottle to do it.

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Well, given the 16+ million people who voted to remain and taking the average constituency size, we should have roughly 243 MP's opposed. That still leaves a majority in favour, unless some have now changed their minds.


I don't think they will try to block article 50, but they will try to stay in the EU through the back door, many MP's are so out of touch with the electorate and blind to what their constituents voted for, and hold the belief that they know best. They will try to keep us in in the belief that that is what most people want.

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